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About Space Management

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The Tririga FIM system for space management went live on May 20, 2019. Visit the Planning, Design and Construction website for current system information and support.

UC San Diego’s footprint spans more than 800 facilities from the main campus in La Jolla to locations worldwide. The Space Management project promoted efficiencies in administrative offices, research spaces and safety.

The project focused on improved support of the management of administrative offices, research space and safety, with a goal of enhancing workflows, data maintenance and operational analysis through the enterprise-wide Tririga integrated workplace management system.

What was the current situation?

Existing space management procedures and policies no longer adequately supported the needs of an institution as diverse and rapidly growing as UC San Diego. The university faced:

  • An outdated and increasingly obsolete Facilities Information System
  • Multiple systems using different building nomenclature and no communication across systems
  • Inconsistent workflows and processes
  • Insufficient data on building use

How did space management change?

The initial release of Tririga Space Management focused on move management. Tririga helped:

  • Identify available space and potential conflicts
  • Coordinate large moves with “domino” effects, including North Torrey Pines Living and Learning (new Sixth College), Triton Pavilion and extensive development of the Hillcrest campus
  • Automate workflows and standardizing processes
  • Allow users to plan multiple scenarios
  • Generate detailed reports in multiple formats