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ESR Projects

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Projects within the ESR program address business process and technology needs in key areas such as Finance and Analytics as well as Academic, Research and Student Administration.

Find descriptions and links below for projects that are currently in progress and the systems that have been implemented and are live below.

In Progress

The Student Information System projects are currently active in the ESR program. Visit the project's website to find status, team members, training resources and more.

Student Information System (SIS)

Student Information System Project

The new student information system will provide a comprehensive, modern solution for the university’s business needs, allowing employees to focus on advancing the education, research and public service mission of UC San Diego.

ESR Project Pages: Student Information System (SIS) Project

Live Systems

Live Systems are ESR projects that have launched and are now offered as campus services. In this section you will find links to the service, information, help and support for each live system in addition to  archived information about the implementation project.

Is a System Down?

Information about live UC San Diego systems that are down for maintenance or are experiencing unscheduled downtime or other issues can be found on the UC San Diego Systems Status website.

Data & Analytics (Activity Hubs)

Activity Hubs

Historical and future data for key information areas are kept in Activity Hubs - central data repositories. Individual hubs aggregate advancement & alumni, employee, facilities, financial, research and student activity data, which can be analyzed using the Cognos and Tableau data tools.

Communities of Practice provide training and support for developers using Activity Hubs data as well as the analytics tools.

Home Page: Activity Hubs
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Compliance Activity Hub (CompAH)

The Compliance Activity Hub combines data from systems such as Kuali Conflict of Interest (COI) to support faculty and staff compliance activity. 
System Live Date: June 2023

Employee Activity Hub (EAH)

EAH is focused on employee data reporting and analysis across systems such as UCPath, PPS, Hire Online, JD Online and UC Learning.
System Live Date: June 1, 2020
ESR Implementation Project: Employee Activity Hub Project
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Extension Student Activity Hub (ESREAH)

ESREAH allows UC San Diego Extension to access key data across the organization using the Tableau reporting tool to achieve new insights not previously possible.
System Live Date: May 31, 2020

Facilities Activity Hub (FacAH)

FacAH data from Tririga Space and CAMS is related to classroom and building utilization, walk time between buildings, maintenance, planning and events .
System Live Date: October 2023 
ESR Implementation Project: Facilities Activity Hub Project

Financial Activity Hub (FinAH)

FinAH is a central repository for UC San Diego enterprise system data related to all financial activity across relevant systems, starting with the Oracle Financials Cloud (FIS).
System Live Date: August 15, 2020
ESR Implementation Project: Financial Activity Hub Project

Research Activity Hub (RAH)

RAH is the central repository for UC San Diego enterprise system data aimed at facilitating research data reporting and analysis around sponsored projects, faculty publications, research compliance and research portfolios.
System Live Date: January 20, 2020
ESR Implementation Project: Research Activity Hub Project

Student Activity Hub (SAH)

The SAH combines information about all graduate and undergraduate students in a single repository.
System Live Date: January 21, 2019
ESR Implementation Project: Student Activity Hub Project

Facilities Information Management (Tririga Real Estate, Space Management)

Tririga Facilities Information Management (FIM)

Tririga facilities and real estate management software helps university leadership increase the value of space utilization and identify viable or under-performing properties, increase facilities management, reduce energy expenditures, automate workflows and standardize processes.

Real Estate

The Tririga FIM system for real estate helps university leadership make strategic real estate and facilities decisions.
System Live Date: March 2019
System Login:
Home Page: Real Estate website
ESR Implementation Project: Real Estate Project

Space Management

The Tririga FIM system for space management supports the management of administrative offices, research space and safety.
System Live Date: May 20, 2019
System Login:
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ESR Implementation Project: Space Management Project

Faculty Systems (Interfolio, Faculty 180, UC OATS)

AP Next (Interfolio)

AP Next provides digital solutions for faculty review, tenure, promotion, and activity reporting for the campus, SIO, and Health Sciences.

System Live Date: July 1, 2019
System Login:
Get Help: Interfolio User Information
ESR Implementation Project: AP Next Interfolio Project

Faculty 180 

Faculty 180 collects and manages faculty activity data as it relates to teaching, research and service,  allowing activity report generation for accreditation, compliance and other custom reporting needs.

System Live Date: Fall 2023
ESR Implementation Project: Faculty 180 Project

UC Outside Activity Tracking System (UC OATS)

UC OATS facilitates tracking and compliance and education for faculty related to the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Conflict of Commitment policies.

System Live Date: September 3, 2019
System Login:
Get Help: UC San Diego UC OATS Resources
ESR Implementation Project: UC OATS Project

Financial Information Systems (Concur, Oracle OFC)

Financial information systems deal with campus and medical center financial business processes and systems for the general ledger, expense and revenue management, financial reporting, travel and expense reporting and budget governance.


SAP Concur is UC San Diego's application for travel and expense processing.

System Live Date: July 1, 2020
System Login: Concur
Home Page: SAP Concur

Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC)

OFC is the financial information system for campus, foundation and Health financial business processes and systems for the general ledger, expense and revenue management, financial reporting and budget governance.

System Live Date: July 1, 2020
System Login:
ESR Implementation Project: Financial Information System Project

Human Resources & Payroll (Ecotime, SPA, UCPath)

Ecotime Timekeeping

Ecotime is a flexible payroll reporting tool that automates complicated pay calculations, provides agility in implementing wage and hour changes and strengthens compliance.

System Live Date: June 1, 2020
Home Page:
Known Issues: See welcome screen updates upon login.
ESR Implementation Project: Ecotime Project

Staff Performance Appraisal (SPA)

SPA is the online system for management of annual UC San Diego Staff Performance appraisals.

System Live Date: Fall 2020
System Login:


UCPath is University of California's systemwide payroll, benefits, human resources, and academic personnel system.

System Live Date: June 1, 2020
Home page: UCPath UC San Diego 
Transactor Resources:
Employee Self-Service:
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Research Administration (Kuali IRB, Kuali COI, Kuali Research)

Kuali Conflict of Interest (Kuali COI)

Kuali COI is a web-based system for UC San Diego faculty and staff to submit and manage conflict of interest disclosure activities.

System Live Date: January 21, 2020
System Login:
Home Page: Kuali COI
Get Help with Kuali COI and Kuali Research:
ESR Implementation Project: Kuali COI Project

Kuali Institutional Review Board (Kuali IRB)

The Kuali IRB module helps researchers and their teams, Institutional Review Board members, staff and institutional leadership better manage submission, review and oversight of human subjects research.

System Live Date: July 7, 2021
Home Page: Kuali IRB
ESR Implementation Project: Kuali IRB Project

Kuali Research

Kuali Research is a campus-wide system for administration of sponsored research.

System Live Date: January 21, 2020
System Login:
Home Page: Kuali Research
Get Help with Kuali COI and Kuali Research:
ESR Implementation Project: Kuali Research Project

Student Information Systems (ProSAM, uAchieve, Slate)

Student Financial Aid System (ProSAM)

ProSAM is a student financial aid system with an easy-to-use interface, flexible and secure technology that for integration with other campus systems.

System Live Date: April 4, 2018

Student Degree Audit Reporting (uAchieve)

uAchieve provides seamless access to comprehensive student academic, professional and career advising across all colleges, departments and units.

System Live Date: Summer 2018
ESR Implementation Project: uAchieve Project

Undergraduate Admissions (Slate)

Slate is the undergraduate admissions process solution implemented in partnership with campus Admissions & Enrollment Services.

System Live Date: Spring 2018

Supporting Technology & Infrastructure (CRM, EDMS, EEPM, EIM)

Client Relationship Management (CRM)

Campus services users may now browse Knowledge Base articles or request services and submit help tickets via the Services & Support Portal in the following categories: Budget & Finance; Information Technology; Payroll, Academic Personnel & HR; Research and Student Support.

System Live Date: January 13, 2020
ESR Implementation Project: CRM Project

Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

The OnBase Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) provides secure storage of campus documents that need to be retained for legal and regulatory purposes such as contracts and agreements, human resources records and policy documents.

System Live Date: June 24, 2019
Home Page: EDMS website
ESR Implementation Project: EDMS Project

EDMS Brainware Project

The Brainware module improves the OnBase (EDMS) with direct document scanning and intelligent Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and data extraction. The module facilitates student transcript processing for the Office of Admissions.

System Live Date: April 2021
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ESR Implementation Project:
EDMS Brainware Project

Enterprise Event and Production Management (EEPM) Project

EEPM is developing and implementing a campus-wide strategy for safe COVID reopening processes, reducing the number of tools needed to schedule an event and comply with campus protocols and improving venue sourcing and access to event-related data analytics/metrics.

Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) Project

EIM's goal is to create centrally stored and managed digital identities for the more than 70,000 university system and resource users, and manage risk associated with over 6 million user interactions each year. The project would define the way the university digitally identifies every student, instructor, researcher, employee, alum, donor and others with system access as well as the processes to maintain these digital records over the course of an individual's time with the university.

Project Closed: November 1, 2023, Pending a Replacement Registry & Match System
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ESR Implementation Project
: Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) Project