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ESR News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (February 2025)

Posted: 2/24/2025

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project this past month. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Training in Motion: When Learning Clicks, Change Sticks

Posted: 2/24/2025

Hi, I'm Christina! As the Training Lead for the Student Information System (SIS) Project, my role blends strategy, creativity and adaptability. On paper, I’m tasked with designing and delivering training to help end users navigate the new systems. But in practice, it’s about so much more—it’s about...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News, Training

Uniting Campus Systems: DES SIS Projects in Review

Posted: 2/24/2025

Throughout the years, staff and students have experienced the challenges of main campus and the Division of Extended Studies (DES) having separate and isolated systems. Aligning DES with main campus systems is a key step toward fulfilling the strategic vision of the Student Information System (SIS) Project — “One University,...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

TSS Process Group 2: The Journey Continues

Posted: 2/21/2025

The Triton Student System (TSS) Project’s Process Design Workshops (PDW) are in full swing and moving at full (light)speed ahead. From July to October 2024, Process Group 2 continued the TSS system design journey, building upon the previous process group and paving the way for two more process groups to come. Below is a summary of the...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (January 2025)

Posted: 1/27/2025

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project recently. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at Triton...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: Winter 2025 Quarter Update

Posted: 1/23/2025

It’s here! Our SIS Project Winter 2025 Quarterly Video is ready for you to watch.  This quarter’s video covers: Context on the ESR SIS Project is and its importance A spotlight on training for the system transition  An introduction to the SIS Trailblazers recognition campaign Updates on what was completed...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Navigating New Systems: The Role of Training

Posted: 1/10/2025

Imagine you’ve just purchased a new piece of furniture and in your excitement to begin assembling it, you skip over the instructions. By the end, you’re left with extra screws, mismatched panels and a whole lot of wobbliness.  This is exactly how most of us feel when a new work system lands in our lap. Without proper...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty, Training

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (January 2025)

Posted: 1/10/2025

There's something energizing about the start of a new year. As we step into 2025, we're channeling that fresh energy into the Student Information System (SIS) Project. Through our ongoing discussions and engagement sessions, we've heard your thoughtful questions, your hopes for the future systems and your ideas about how we can...

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Category: Training, News, Student & Faculty

Holidays with the SIS Project Core Team

Posted: 12/5/2024

We’ve had some changes to the Student Information System (SIS) Project core team. Watch the latest video (below) to see our new and continuing core team members share their favorite holiday! A few of our core team members were unable to record, but here are their favorite holidays:  Cindy Lyons’ favorite holiday...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

FSPT Stipends Reset: Updated Timeline and Name

Posted: 11/12/2024

The current Financial Support Request Tool (FSRT) will be replaced with the new Financial Support Payments Tool (FSPT). This article will focus on updating you about the stipends timeline and rename of the FSPT Project stages.  From Phases to Releases Referring to the first project stage as “Phase 0: Stipend...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

That's a Wrap on Process Group 1

Posted: 10/25/2024

As you are likely aware, the Triton Student System (TSS) Project is engaged in Process Design Workshops (PDW) for our new student information system. From May to July 2024, Process Group 1 marked the beginning of our system design journey. Below is a summary of the work and outcomes of Process Group 1. For a detailed overview of the...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (November 2024)

Posted: 10/23/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project since October's newsletter. Learn more about the Triton Student System Project Town Hall, the updates for the FSPT Stipends Module Release, the collaboration updates with the CourseLeaf vendor and more. You can watch the two-minute...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (October 2024)

Posted: 10/23/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project since September's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: Fall 2024 Quarter Update

Posted: 10/22/2024

It’s here! Our SIS Project Fall 2024 Quarterly Video is ready for you to watch.  This quarter’s video covers: Context for what the ESR SIS Project is and its importance Updates on what was completed in the Summer 2024 Quarter and what’s coming up in Fall 2024 Quarter Action items to stay informed and...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Implementation of Oracle Student Financial Planning Canceled

Posted: 9/26/2024

After careful consideration, we have decided to cancel the Oracle Student Financial Planning (SFP) Project, which was planned to replace our current financial aid system with SFP.  The project kicked off in July 2022 and was paused in January 2024 to avoid conflicting with the effort to implement the new student information...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (September 2024)

Posted: 9/26/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project since August's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (September 2024)

Posted: 9/19/2024

Do you ever feel like you’re wondering what’s happening behind the scenes of the Triton Student System (TSS) Project’s Process Design Workshops (PDW)? Well, you’re not alone! After hearing from multiple groups and subject matter experts, one clear message came through: more details, please! You asked, and...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (August 2024)

Posted: 8/22/2024

We hope that you saw the announcement in our July newsletter sharing how we will be changing our engagement approach moving forward. In this article, we will explain a little bit more about why we are making this change and what it means for you.  What is Changing? Beginning in the Fall Quarter 2024, instead of scheduling individual...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

They Advise, We Revise: Triton Student System Project Committee Kickoff

Posted: 8/22/2024

The Triton Student System (TSS) Project design team has been hard at work wrapping up Process Group 1 of the Process Design Workshops (PDW), and Process Group 2 is now in full swing. An important part of our design work is listening to folks who use the systems being replaced so that we can best meet the needs of the university. Over the past...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

uAchieve Transfer Articulation Project Introduction

Posted: 8/22/2024

If you took Advanced Placement (AP) exams in high school, transferred institutions, studied abroad or took courses in another institution as an undergraduate student, then you have gone through a transfer credit process and know the intricacies required to have your coursework or exams evaluated. At UC San Diego, the uAchieve Transfer...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Sharing the Wealth: Learning about SLcM from our Colleagues at the University of Kentucky

Posted: 8/20/2024

Earlier this year in April, seven UC San Diego Information Technology Services (ITS) staff traveled to meet with the University of Kentucky (UK) regarding their implementation of SAP’s Student Lifecycle Management (SLcM) system, the product UC San Diego has selected to replace ISIS, our legacy student information system (SIS). At UC...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (August 2024)

Posted: 8/20/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project since July's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (July 2024)

Posted: 7/18/2024

We are halfway through the 2024 year, folks. Can you believe it?! I surely cannot. I’ve always appreciated the summer time of year at UC San Diego. For me, it is a little bit quieter on campus, and a little bit slower around the office–a perfect chance to reflect on the work completed so far this year and to look ahead to all...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (July 2024)

Posted: 7/17/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project since June's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (June 2024)

Posted: 6/20/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project since May's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Initial Release of the New SIS Explained

Posted: 6/18/2024

Now that we are heavily working on the Triton Student System (TSS) Project, you may be wondering what the new system launch will include, and perhaps more importantly, what it will not include. Let’s review what the initial release of the new student information system (SIS) will entail and how opportunities for future releases will be...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

New SIS, New Name: Introducing the Triton Student System

Posted: 6/18/2024

We are excited to announce that a name has been chosen for our new student information system (SIS). We are proud to introduce the Triton Student System. As you know, back in December of 2023, we selected SAP Student Lifecycle Management as the SIS to replace our current system, ISIS. Our implementation of Student Lifecycle Management here at UC...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (June 2024)

Posted: 6/18/2024

In the month of June, our team met with seven different teams across campus to continue our conversations of the SIS Project with various leadership and staff groups. We are grateful for the ongoing feedback regarding initiatives and efforts our organizational change management (OCM) team can do to help with this transformational change of...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Continuity Planning Conversations Recap

Posted: 5/24/2024

Continuity planning is an essential component of the Triton Student System (TSS) Project. Before our student information system called ISIS gets shut off, the Continuity Planning team has to make sure that business processes connected to it will continue to run as smoothly as possible, so we can minimize the effects of the decommissioning of...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Planning for Continuity Planning

Posted: 5/23/2024

Over the years, we've developed many applications that live alongside our current student information system (SIS) and help our students, faculty and staff accomplish their tasks more efficiently. As we move forward with designing our new SIS, we must assess what will happen to each of those additional applications.  For...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (May 2024)

Posted: 5/23/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since April's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Stipends Module for Financial Support Payments Tool (FSPT)

Posted: 5/21/2024

You may have read the article From Requests to Payments: Ramping up for the Financial Support Payments Tool (FSPT) in which the project stages were introduced for the FSPT Project. The article below provides more information about the Stipends Module Release. Updated Stages The staging of the project has been adjusted to better reflect the...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Let’s Get Down to Business: Process Design Workshops

Posted: 5/15/2024

We have entered into a new, exciting phase of the Triton Student System (TSS) Project: Process Design Workshops. The introductory and advanced training sessions that were completed in March built the foundation for the 11-month journey of design workshops that began on May 6 and will continue until March 2025. Our implementation partner,...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (April 2024)

Posted: 4/15/2024

The SIS Project team attended 10 engagements in March, meeting with the university community to provide important project information and to conduct valuable listening sessions. We are grateful to the 391 UC San Diego employees from various campus units who showed up and shared their thoughts, questions and insights.  Statistics...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (April 2024)

Posted: 4/15/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project since March’s newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SLcM Training: Setting the Stage

Posted: 4/15/2024

The Triton Student System (TSS) Project officially began on March 1, 2024, and our implementation team wasted no time digging into the system selected to replace ISIS, called Student Lifecycle Management, or SLcM. Between March 11 and March 22, members of our implementation team participated in two weeks of vendor-provided training with our...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Project to Replace ISIS Moves Forward

Posted: 3/11/2024

By now, you’ve likely seen the Campus Announcement informing the university community that the project to replace our current student information system (ISIS) with SAP’s Student Lifecycle Management (SLcM) officially began as of March 1, 2024. Below are key takeaways from this project milestone, as well as a video...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (March 2024)

Posted: 3/11/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS Project since February’s newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

UC San Diego Honored with New Client of Distinction Award

Posted: 3/6/2024

Recognizing the Successful Implementation of Transact  We are proud to announce that the University of California San Diego has been awarded the prestigious New Client of Distinction Award from Transact Integrated Payment Solutions, the leader in integrated campus payment, ID and commerce solutions. This award recognizes the outstanding...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (March 2024)

Posted: 2/28/2024

In February, we continued our engagements with the university community by meeting with various units from many areas across campus for project updates, listening sessions, continuity planning and report remediation discussions. These meetings aimed to offer updates, give context and provide planning support for the Student Information System...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (February 2024)

Posted: 2/5/2024

In January, we continued our engagements with the university community by meeting with various units from many areas across campus for project updates, listening sessions, and change freeze, continuity planning and report remediation discussions. These meetings aimed to offer updates, give context and provide planning support for the Student...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (February 2024)

Posted: 2/5/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since January’s newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (January 2024)

Posted: 1/9/2024

In December, we continued our engagements with the university community by meeting with the School of Biological Sciences, Undergraduate Academic Advising Council, Student Health and Well-Being, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, Jacobs School of Engineering, School of Social Sciences, and groups impacted by the...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

From Requests to Payments: Ramping up for the Financial Support Payments Tool (FSPT)

Posted: 1/9/2024

You may recall the July 2023 newsletter article F-S-P-T Find Out What It Means To Me, which explained the initial project information. The Financial Support Request Tool (FSRT) will be replaced by the Financial Support Payments Tool (FSPT) as part of the project. Below are important updates about the FSPT project we have to share. Three Stages...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (January 2024)

Posted: 1/9/2024

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since December’s newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Change Practitioners & Organizational Change Management (OCM): The Heartbeat of Progress

Posted: 1/8/2024

Managing the community’s expectations of change can be a difficult obstacle for a project to overcome, and this only becomes more true for large projects. Change practitioners play a key role in facilitating this change. The Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) Student Information System (SIS) Project has brought on board several change...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

New & Improved: SIS Project Vision & Guiding Principles

Posted: 12/12/2023

The Student Information System (SIS) project launched in 2019 with one specific intention–to replace ISIS. While the overarching goal of the SIS project has remained the same over the past four years, the project structure and team have evolved significantly.  First, the project structure has expanded from just one project...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (December 2023)

Posted: 12/12/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since November's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (December 2023)

Posted: 12/11/2023

In November, we continued our engagements with the university community by meeting with the School of Physical Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Rady School of Management, Jacobs School of Engineering, School of Global Policy and Strategy and the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs leadership team. The purpose of these meetings was to...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Project Freeze in the SIS Domain Begins February 2024

Posted: 12/11/2023

The Student Information System (SIS) Project core team has been preparing for change freezes for several months, and starting February 2024, change freezes will officially begin taking effect for projects within the student information services domain. They will continue throughout the duration of the SIS Project.  What to Know About...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

System to Replace ISIS Selected

Posted: 12/11/2023

By now, you’ve likely seen the Campus Announcement informing the university community that the contract for a new student information system (SIS) has been awarded to invenioLSI, SAP’s North American distributor for their Student Lifecycle Management (SLcM) product. Below are key takeaways from this decision, as well as a...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (November 2023)

Posted: 10/31/2023

In October, we continued our engagements with the university community by meeting with the School of Medicine, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Student Leadership, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science and School of Arts and Humanities. The Student Information System (SIS) Project team delivered a...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Preparing Stakeholders for Reporting Changes

Posted: 10/31/2023

As part of the ongoing work in preparation for the new student information system (SIS), significant efforts have already been dedicated to the remediation of student data-related reports. Since July 2023, we have actively engaged with multiple schools and units to discuss the future state of reporting. These targeted engagements have focused on...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Reporting Conversations Recap

Posted: 10/31/2023

Since July 2023, we have met with the Division of Extended Studies, School of Social Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, School of Physical Sciences, the Rady School of Management, School of Arts and Humanities, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the School of Global Policy and Strategy to discuss the future state of reporting. These...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (November 2023)

Posted: 10/31/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since October's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

WalkMe Service To Be Decommissioned

Posted: 10/17/2023

In response to valuable feedback from our campus community and with a commitment to providing more effective user training solutions, the Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program will decommission the WalkMe Digital Adoption Platform on December 15, 2023. WalkMe was brought to campus by the ESR program as a temporary solution to support user...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, Financial Systems, News, Training

Meet the SIS Project Team

Posted: 10/6/2023

We are happy to introduce you to the five new members of the SIS Project team! Watch the video to learn more about the team and their favorite places to visit.  Team Member Project Role Gayle Ta Business Process Owner Christina Duke Change Practitioner Destiny Lopez Change Practitioner Joseph Gandini Change...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (October 2023)

Posted: 10/5/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since September's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Release of Transact for Extended Studies

Posted: 9/28/2023

We are pleased to announce that the new student billing and payment system, Transact, which main Campus has already implemented, was officially released for the Division of Extended Studies (DES) on September 21, 2023.  Project Overview With the goal of improving the student experience, streamlining operations, and creating a unified...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Preparing for the Kickoff of the Curriculum Management Project

Posted: 9/21/2023

As part of the primary work for the Student Information System (SIS) Project, we will implement the curriculum management system, CourseLeaf, for course and curriculum proposal and maintenance, catalog management, learning outcome tracking and management and the metrics required for accreditation. Since signing the contract with Leepfrog...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (September 2023)

Posted: 9/8/2023

In August, we continued our engagements with the university community by meeting with the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Technical Community TECHTalk, Division of Extended Studies (DES) Operations Forum, Jacobs School of Engineering and a Roadshow for DES. The SIS Project team...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (September 2023)

Posted: 9/8/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since August's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (August 2023)

Posted: 8/8/2023

In July, we continued our engagements with the university community by meeting with the School of Physical Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, Rady School of Management, Graduate & Professional Student Association, and School of Global Policy and Strategy. The SIS Project...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (August 2023)

Posted: 8/8/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month's newsletter. You can watch the 90-second video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Release of the New TritonPay

Posted: 8/7/2023

We are pleased to announce that the new TritonPay was released on August 2, which will provide improvements to the student payment experience on campus. The implementation team worked hard in preparation for the release of these updates to the student billing and payments system to ensure a successful launch.  Preparation for the...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Backfill: Prioritizing Staff Expertise for the SIS Project

Posted: 8/4/2023

There are many resources and strategies that the Student Information System (SIS) Project is utilizing to design and implement the new applications and tools that the university will be adopting as part of the Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) Program. Backfill is one of those strategies. In short, backfill is the approach of freeing up time of...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Meet the SIS Project Team!

Posted: 7/11/2023

We are happy to introduce you to the ten members of the SIS Project team! Watch the video to learn more about the team and their favorite places to visit. Click on a team member's name in the table below to learn more about them. Team Member Project Role Cindy Lyons Change Lead Sara Danford Change Lead Angie...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We've Heard (July 2023)

Posted: 7/5/2023

We are honored to continue our engagements with various divisions, schools, departments and units to learn more about their needs and concerns for a new student information system. In the month of June, the Student Information System (SIS) Project team was invited to present to two schools, Biological Sciences and Social Sciences. The SIS...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

F-S-P-T: Find Out What It Means to Me

Posted: 7/5/2023

A few years ago, in 2019 when I was a graduate advisor in Engineering, I attended one of the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA, then Graduate Division) updates meetings. This is where I first learned that the Financial Support Unit (FSU) was planning to change the Financial Support Request Tool (FSRT).  The...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (July 2023)

Posted: 7/5/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month's newsletter. Feel free to watch the 90-second video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project Teams

Posted: 7/5/2023

There are various groups and teams of individuals that are working on, guiding and supporting all aspects of the Student Information System (SIS) Project and its many efforts. These different groups work together to ensure the success of the projects.  The key to a project’s success is having all the right people involved to...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Contract Awarded for Curriculum Management System

Posted: 6/6/2023

By now, you’ve likely seen the Campus Announcement informing the University community that the contract for a curriculum management system has been awarded to Leepfrog Technologies Inc. and their system, CourseLeaf. Below are the key points we want to highlight about this decision, links to frequently asked questions and a way to...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty, Uncategorized

SIS Project: What You Should Know (June 2023)

Posted: 6/6/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month's newsletter. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at  Core Student Information System (SIS)...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What We've Heard (June 2023)

Posted: 6/5/2023

You have likely already heard that the SIS Project team is in the final stages of the third Request for Proposal (RFP) for a new student information system. The conference room pilot (CRP) sessions with the vendors ended in May, and the CRP evaluators have submitted their final scores to be reviewed by the SIS governance committee.There has been...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Meet Carlos Jensen, SIS Governance Co-Chair: Advocating for Shared Engagement, Inclusivity and Readiness

Posted: 6/5/2023

As work on the SIS Project continues across a growing number of system implementations and improvements, I also continue with my effort to meet with as many of my project colleagues as possible to learn more about them and how they approach their role on the project. Today, I am meeting with Carlos Jensen, Associate Vice Chancellor for...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Time to Upgrade: Why We Must Replace ISIS Now

Posted: 6/2/2023

I have been a UC San Diego employee since 2016, and I can still vividly remember the day that I was introduced to the university’s Integrated Student Information System (ISIS). I was being trained in my new role as a Program Manager for Extended Studies, and the first time I saw ISIS, I felt that I was transported back in time 30...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Preparing for Change Freezes

Posted: 5/4/2023

The Student Information System (SIS) Project team has begun planning for change freezes that will occur during the execution of the project. These change freezes include both data freezes and technical work freezes. Data Freezes The data contained within our student systems and student-related processes is critical to the ongoing business of the...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What We've Heard (May 2023)

Posted: 5/4/2023

On April 17, 2023, the Student Information System (SIS) Project team was invited to present to the Arts & Humanities student advisors and Management Services Officers (MSO) about the SIS Project. The SIS Project team delivered a presentation that included project context, impact and timeline, and allowed time for a Q&A session and open...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (May 2023)

Posted: 5/4/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at  Core Student Information System (SIS) Replacement The Conference Room...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

TritonPay 2.0: Revolutionizing the Student Payment Experience

Posted: 5/2/2023

As part of the Enterprise System Renewal (ESR) program’s Student Information System (SIS) project, TritonPay, our current student billing application, will be replaced with a vended solution called Transact. Transact has already proven effective as it is already the system we use for our campus ID card access, dining dollars,...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (April 2023)

Posted: 4/11/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at  Core Student Information System (SIS) Replacement During Conference Room...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (March 2023)

Posted: 3/6/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at  Core Student Information System (SIS) Replacement The Conference Room...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (Feb 2023)

Posted: 2/7/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at  Core Student Information System (SIS) Replacement Project core team...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Enterprise Identity Management Project Update

Posted: 1/18/2023

The Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project continues to move ahead with new talent on the project team as well as contributors from across campus. Each brings their unique knowledge and skills to the project. The project team also evaluated what it set out to accomplish and the services they will deliver. Adjustments were informed by...

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Category: News, Technology Infrastructure

Register Now for Process Palooza!

Posted: 1/18/2023

Process Palooza is back! Save the dates March 28 - 29, 2023 to participate in or attend this annual in-person event that celebrates continuous improvement. Continuous improvement is at the heart of the Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program. Whether you’ve earned a Lean Six Sigma belt, participated in...

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Category: News, Events

SIS Project: What You Should Know (Jan 2023)

Posted: 1/9/2023

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at  Core Student Information System (SIS) Replacement Project core team...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (Dec 2022)

Posted: 12/6/2022

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at  Core Student Information System (SIS) Replacement Project core team...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Project: What You Should Know (Nov 2022)

Posted: 11/9/2022

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at  Core Student Information System (SIS) Replacement Collected vendor...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Faculty 180 Will Help Faculty Collect Academic Activity Information

Posted: 10/14/2022

UC San Diego’s mission as a student centered, research focused, and service-oriented institution of higher education depends largely on the excellence of our academics. Key to their success is UC San Diego’s academic review and appointment process to ensure high standards of achievement across the entire academic population....

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project: What You Should Know (Oct 2022)

Posted: 10/10/2022

Key Project Milestones and Progress Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since last month. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at  Core Student Information System (SIS) Replacement Request for Proposal...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Moving the SIS Project Forward After a Second No Award

Posted: 9/6/2022

By now, you’ve likely seen the Campus Notice informing the University community that we’ve closed the second Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Student Information System (SIS) Project without award and are now going to open a third RFP. We want to share how critical steps on our SIS journey have informed this decision. Below...

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Category: Student & Faculty

Prioritizing People: Working as a Change Practitioner

Posted: 8/25/2022

Note: Cindy Hsu worked on the Student Information System (SIS) Project as its Change Practitioner from its inception through mid-September 2022. She has since moved on to an exciting new opportunity within UC San Diego; the interview upon which this article is based was completed just prior to Cindy's departure. The entire SIS Project team...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

What is a Guide on the Side?

Posted: 8/18/2022

Implementing a new system is a major undertaking, much like climbing a mountain. If you set out to climb Mount Everest in flip-flops with a group of people who’ve never climbed higher than the stairs to the 8th floor of Geisel Library before, your odds of success are likely to be vanishingly small. While it helps to start by doing...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Being a Change Lead: Dealing in Trust, Transparency and Lots of Feelings

Posted: 8/3/2022

As a Change Lead for the Student Information System (SIS) Project, much of what I do boils down to communication. A significant part of that communication is disseminating information to others, but the most important part is listening—listening to colleagues' hopes, fears, concerns and suggestions for and about our project....

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

RFP Released for Curriculum Management System

Posted: 8/1/2022

At its March 2022 meeting, the Student Information System (SIS) Project governance committee voted to proceed with a request for proposal (RFP) for a curriculum management system. This decision was reached with the input and consultation of various campus stakeholders, including the Academic Senate. As noted in previous articles, the...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Financial Aid Project Team Formed and Kickoff Held

Posted: 7/29/2022

The project to implement a new financial aid system for our university continues to make progress. Shortly after receiving approval from leadership to move forward with the project and then forming the project’s steering committee, the project team was formed and a project kickoff held. Gathering the Project Team The Financial Aid...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project Preparation Work: Mobile WebReg Application

Posted: 7/26/2022

In our June 2022 newsletter SIS Ecosystem: The SIS Project and Its Supporting Work, the SIS Project Team provided an overview of the various projects that comprise the preparation work for a new student information system. One of them that will directly enhance the student experience is the Mobile WebReg Application Project.  Mobile...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Financial Aid Project Steering Committee Formed

Posted: 7/25/2022

Quickly following the decision to move forward with the project to replace our current financial aid system, ProSAM, with a newer system, Oracle Student Financial Planning (SFP), a steering committee was formed for the project.  We understand from experience and research that active and visible sponsorship is the greatest contributor to...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

EIM Fundamental Concepts Part II: Identity Management Governance

Posted: 7/6/2022

As a continuation of our recent exploration of the Fundamental Concepts of EIM, Identity Management Governance is the third and final pillar of EIM. Let’s take a moment to examine how Identity Management Governance works as a concept in ultimately transforming the way our university conducts identity and access management in the...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, News

SIS Project Preparation Work: Report Remediation

Posted: 7/1/2022

You may recall from a previous article, SIS Portfolio: The SIS Project and Its Supporting Work, that one of the projects currently underway to support the Student Information System (SIS) Project is the remediation of student-related reports. When we say “remediation” in this context, we mean updating how reports obtain the...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Proven Systems and Unknown Unknowns: The Friends and Foes of a Project Manager

Posted: 6/29/2022

After having interviewed five of my colleagues about their roles on the Student Information System (SIS) Project, the rest of my colleagues know to expect my invitations for interviews. Some of them join me in Zoom feeling a little trepidatious because they’ve never been interviewed before and don’t know what to expect....

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Financial Aid Project Receives “Go” from Leadership

Posted: 6/23/2022

As part of the in-scope work for the Student Information System (SIS) Project, we will be replacing our current financial aid system, Pro Student Aid Management (ProSAM), with a new system, Oracle Student Financial Planning (SFP). On June 7, 2022, a go/no-go decision meeting was held for the Financial Aid Project with key project stakeholders in...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Landscape Under a Sunny Sky

Posted: 6/13/2022

One hundred thirty four years ago in May 1888, Vincent Van Gogh painted "Landscape under a Stormy Sky" depicting gray clouds on the horizon above a verdant green field. Over the past five years at UC San Diego we've flipped Vincent's logic and used process landscapes to brighten the skies and horizon of our campuswide...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes, News

SIS Portfolio: The SIS Project and Its Supporting Work

Posted: 6/7/2022

The Student Information System (SIS) Project aims to re-envision and improve the student experience at UC San Diego. The reality, however, is that one project alone, no matter how large or complex, cannot do this. The SIS Project team is responsible for overseeing the work of more than just the SIS Project; the team is also responsible for the...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Mapping for the Future: Being the Business Process Lead

Posted: 6/6/2022

Note: Katie Frehafer worked on the Student Information System (SIS) Project as its Business Process Lead from its inception through early May 2022. She has since moved on to an exciting new opportunity outside of UC San Diego; the interview upon which this article is based was completed just prior to Katie’s departure. The entire SIS...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Reserve Your Campus Workspace

Posted: 5/19/2022

ESR FIM Space Solution in Action! The Facilities Information Management team is helping the campus improve its understanding of space needs and what flexible work arrangements mean for each department as we return to campus.  The team partnered with University Centers and a limited number of departments to assess the workspace...

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Category: Facilities Management, News

EIM Wants to Hear From You

Posted: 5/16/2022

With the Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project building momentum, it's time to check in with those who matter most to the project... that means you! Improving how UC San Diego handles how you gain the proper access to all the university services you're entitled to doesn't happen in a vaccum. In fact, it requires a great...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, News

Connecting Everything Together: The Work of a Solutions Architect

Posted: 5/10/2022

Note: This is the third article in a series about the three different architect roles on the Student Information System project. If you missed the second article, you can read it here: The Design Architect, A New Role for New Challenges. It’s the middle of the day in the middle of a week filled with meetings, meetings and more...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Implementing a New Financial Aid System

Posted: 5/10/2022

In our February 2022 article, Managing Project Scope, we noted that financial aid and scholarships is one of the in-scope areas for the SIS project and therefore an area where we expect to see significant change as a result of the SIS project. To support making improvements to the student experience in the area of financial aid and scholarships,...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

EIM Fundamental Concepts Part I

Posted: 4/20/2022

Following the release of the introductory video, “Identity Management in a Nutshell,” the Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project is continuing its foundational work to refine and simplify your experience with access to university services. This work entails improving the way UC San Diego manages digital identities and...

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Category: News, Technology Infrastructure

Podcast: Being a Change Lead

Posted: 4/14/2022

SIS Project Change Lead Sara Danford sat down with IT Services’ The Current podcast to talk about her role on the project. Give it a listen to learn more about what it means to be a change lead, the current state of the SIS Project, lessons learned and what Sara’s looking forward to on the...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News, ESR Behind the Scenes

Identity Management in a Nutshell

Posted: 4/12/2022

The Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) team is focused on improving how UC San Diego handles identity management, access management and identity governance. Part of the success of this effort is, of course, in ensuring our UC San Diego community understands the underlying issues of identity management at university and the goals and benefits...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, News

What We Need from a Curriculum Management System

Posted: 4/11/2022

In a previous article, we discussed what a curriculum management system is and how the University could benefit from the implementation of such a system. Since that time, we have been busy reaching out to stakeholders from across the University to better understand their existing pain points in managing courses, curricula and the catalog. We...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

The Design Architect, A New Role for New Challenges

Posted: 3/31/2022

Note: This is the second article in a series about the three different architect roles on the SIS project. If you missed the first article, you can read it here: The Dualities of an Enterprise Architect. In a stream of seemingly unending Zoom meetings, my favorite type of meeting is one in which I have the opportunity to learn more about my...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

EIM Process Landscape

Posted: 3/15/2022

Knowing how to solve a problem doesn’t begin with a solution; it actually begins with knowing what is and is not working, seeing how to improve upon it, and choosing the best solution based on that information. For the Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project, transforming how our university conducts Identity Management and Access...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, News

The Future State of SIS Reporting

Posted: 3/9/2022

As a follow-up to our February 2022 article about the scope of the Student Information System (SIS) Project, we wanted to further clarify one item on the in scope/out of scope list: reports.  In Scope What will be replaced or will change significantly as a result of the SIS project Out of Scope What will not...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Successful Implementation of the WalkMe Digital Adoption Platform

Posted: 3/9/2022

There have been multiple successful instances of WalkMe implemented across all areas of campus, from small systems with fewer than thirty users to enterprise-wide systems that are core to university business. These successful implementations have relied on the input and feedback of business owners and, especially, system users. WalkMe is an...

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Category: News, Technology Infrastructure, Financial Systems

The Dualities of an Enterprise Architect

Posted: 3/7/2022

It’s just another day of remote work as I hop onto a Zoom call with Dr. David Hutches, the Enterprise Architect (EA) working on the Student Information System (SIS) project. David is fairly new to the team, having joined after the departure of the team’s previous EA. It is not unusual for us to be in multiple meetings...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Curriculum Management: Tracking Course and Program Details in a Complex Academic Enterprise

Posted: 3/2/2022

As a follow-up to our February 2022 article about the scope of the Student Information System (SIS) Project, we wanted to provide an update on an in-scope area of the project that the team is currently focusing their attention on: curriculum management. SIS Project: Curriculum Management vs. Learning Management In Scope Out of...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

The Trajectory of EIM

Posted: 2/14/2022

What do the 75,000+ (and growing) members of the UC San Diego community have in common? If you ask the Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project team what EIM is about, you’ll hear one resounding answer: it has to do with identity. Ensuring that every member of the UC San Diego community receives precisely the services...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, News

Managing Project Scope

Posted: 2/9/2022

One of the key roles of any project team guided by project governance is to control the scope of the project. As a project progresses and plans become more developed, it’s normal for the project specifics to change and evolve. It is critical, however, to monitor that natural project evolution to ensure it does not include any...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

From Requirements to Reality

Posted: 2/1/2022

In a December 2021 article, we talked about the process of generating the student information system (SIS) project requirements list, or the checklist of everything a new SIS must do to support the ongoing business of the university. This is our SIS shopping list. So, we have our list, now what? Just as a good grocery shopping list...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Finance Systems Stabilization

Posted: 1/19/2022

Of all the Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program’s system implementations, the financial systems launch has been the biggest challenge for our campus community. The launch required significant change in how we conduct financial management and was unfortunately impacted by the considerable change and resulting stress of a global...

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Category: News, Financial Systems

Meet the EIM Team for Organizational Change Management

Posted: 1/19/2022

The ESR Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project will improve the way our community members get accounts and gain access to various systems and services in a timely manner. The project will include a focus on bolstering security for individual identity and university resource access.  The project team has been making great strides...

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Category: News, Technology Infrastructure

Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) Project Opens Project Roles

Posted: 12/14/2021

The Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project has recently conducted critical foundational work and is beginning to plan campus engagement. To support this work, the team is looking for staff to join the Organizational Change Management (OCM) team in two key roles – Change Lead and Change Practitioner. Current UC San Diego...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, News

The SIS Shopping List

Posted: 12/6/2021

Replacing our student information system (SIS) may seem like a daunting task. After all, the SIS touches nearly every aspect of business at the university in some way, large or small, directly or indirectly. On a project with such a large scope and with so many different stakeholders, how do you even begin to understand what’s required...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Minimizing Disruptions and Supporting Report Access

Posted: 12/1/2021

After the original request for proposal (RFP) for a new student information system (SIS) was closed with no award, the project team refocused their efforts on two key next steps for the project: 1) issuing a new RFP for a vendor partner and 2) pre-habilitation work. Pre-habilitation, or pre-hab, work means doing everything possible to prepare...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

WalkMe Browser Extension Is Installed for Campus

Posted: 11/17/2021

The WalkMe team is excited to have worked in partnership with IT areas and units at UC San Diego to deliver the WalkMe Browser Extension (WMBE) to all UC San Diego-managed computers.  The extension allows users to interact with helpful WalkMe content designed by subject matter experts for enterprise systems. WalkMe content includes data...

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Category: News, Technology Infrastructure

One for All, All for One

Posted: 11/10/2021

Did you know that UC San Diego leverages two separate systems for storing student records? One houses records for undergraduate, graduate and Health Sciences students, and another houses records for the Division of Extended Studies (DES, formerly Extension). Having two systems can sometimes generate issues. This is especially evident where there...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

RFP for SIS Vendor Partnership Released

Posted: 11/9/2021

The journey to find a new student information system (SIS) has been ongoing since 2018. While lots of important work has been happening and continues to happen for the project, three especially crucial milestones have now taken place: The release of the initial Request for Proposal (RFP) for a new SIS, The closing of the initial RFP without an...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

SIS Team Presents at Campus LISA

Posted: 10/11/2021

The ESR SIS project team recently presented at Campus LISA 2021, an annual conference for UC San Diego technical professionals. Participating in Campus LISA is part of our continuing effort to connect and collaborate with various SMEs and communities campuswide.   In the session, the team covered what’s been done,...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Governance Critical to SIS Project Success

Posted: 10/8/2021

The Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program leverages the talent and experience of staff, partners and departments across campus to update software applications and review business processes in key service areas, including Student Information. The leveraging of talent extends into the ESR and Student Information...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Kuali IRB August Update

Posted: 8/19/2021

Almost 600 applications have been created since Kuali IRB launched July 7! During this time, the Office of IRB Administration (OIA) has also been building Knowledge Base articles and tracking feedback, questions, requests and reported issues to ensure the research community is well supported.  This is what the team is working on: Kuali...

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Category: News, Research Administration

Can’t Log In to the IFIS and PPS Mainframe "Green Screen?"

Posted: 8/17/2021

After the major transitions from Legacy Payroll / HR, and Financial Mainframe Applications to UCPath and the new Financial Information System last summer, it was important to ensure we had real-time access to legacy data for an additional fiscal year for activities such as reconciliation and variance reporting. As of August 1, 2021, view-only...

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Category: News, Financial Systems

SIS and EIM: Sharing Perspective and Best Practices

Posted: 8/11/2021

The “expert sourcing” approach of Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) is all about harnessing, leveraging, and retaining the expertise of UC San Diego employees. Besides making sure that the planning, configuration, and on-going support of our systems are guided and informed by people who have a detailed knowledge of what we do...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

SIS Project Application for Change Lead Role

Posted: 7/26/2021

The Student Information System (SIS) project is searching for a new Change Lead (Academic) to join the team in Fall 2021! Kathleen D. Johnson is retiring after December 2021, so a new team member is needed to help lead this exciting project. Applications from current UC San Diego staff employees are being accepted through August 16, 2021. As SIS...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Kuali IRB Has Successfully Launched

Posted: 7/14/2021

The Kuali IRB project team is happy (and relieved) to announce the successful launch of the module on Wednesday, July 7th! System users have been successfully preparing and submitting applications with no system failures or major bugs reported. The team continues to monitor and triage incoming support tickets. Known Issues and Common...

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Category: News, Research Administration

SIS: Reporting in Focus

Posted: 7/7/2021

Although we aren’t implementing a new student information system (SIS) right away, the SIS project team is still working hard to prepare for the change to a new system with a new Reporting workstream. The vision is to position existing reports into a comprehensive Activity Hub source prior to the Go Live of a new SIS. The work...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Kuali IRB is Launching!

Posted: 6/16/2021

After addressing some configuration and workflow improvements that were the result of faculty and research team testing, the UC San Diego Office of IRB Administration will be launching the Kuali IRB System on July 7. Get Ready, this is it… All new applications to be reviewed by the Office of IRB Administration must be submitted in...

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Category: News, Research Administration

Kuali IRB Go-Live Date Changes

Posted: 5/19/2021

The UC San Diego Office of IRB Administration will be launching the Kuali IRB System on July 7, 2021. The UC San Diego Kuali IRB project team has decided to move the go-live date from June 2, 2021 to July 7, 2021. The current training, demonstration and communication schedule will continue, with additional sessions to be scheduled to provide UC...

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Category: Research Administration, News

SIS: Focus on Reporting and “Pre-habilitation” Activities

Posted: 5/12/2021

You may have seen the campus notice that the Request for Proposal (RFP) that we issued to Student Information System (SIS) vendors was closed without making an award. As a project team, we want to clarify how that impacts UC San Diego’s journey to a new SIS. The Conference Room Pilot sessions were incredibly effective in that we now...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Activity Hubs Growing, New Release Schedule

Posted: 4/13/2021

We are thankful for all the individuals and teams who are helping grow Activity Hubs! As users refine and align business processes, requests for new fields and calculations are introduced, and that helps everyone. Increased data availability from Oracle, Kuali, UCPath and more data sources increases the depth and breadth of analytics, supporting...

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Category: Data & Analytics, News

A Program Name Change and Kuali IRB Updates

Posted: 4/13/2021

Human Research Protection Program Has a New Name The HRPP announces a name change to UC San Diego Office of IRB Administration, so the Office of IRB Administration will be launching the new Kuali IRB module on June 2, 2021.  Look for more announcements coming soon around this name change! Who Will Be Affected by Kuali IRB? Everyone who...

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Category: News, Research Administration, Training

A New Way to Find Reports is Coming in April!

Posted: 4/13/2021

Calling all decision makers, analysts and data aficionados. We are proud to announce that, the current location for enterprise system and cross-system reports, will be upgraded soon to the Business Analytics Hub, also known as BAH! Starting late April 2021, all reports that are currently available via

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Category: HR and Payroll, Financial Systems, Student & Faculty, News, Data & Analytics, Technology Infrastructure, Research Administration

Kuali IRB: Policy Training Sessions Available

Posted: 3/23/2021

The Human Research Protections Program (HRPP) is rolling out a number of changes, including a new identity, over the next few months! These changes dovetail with the June 2021 rollout of the Kuali IRB application and review system. April Webinars April kicks off what will become a regular series of policy and process webinars. These April...

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Category: News, Research Administration, Training

Kuali IRB Implementation

Posted: 3/16/2021

More good news as we get closer to launching the new Kuali IRB module! Our planned pilot testing program has been completed and the results were fantastic. Since our last update, a group of more than a dozen researchers and key staff members from across the university helped test the new system.The IRB team learned a lot from having actual users...

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Category: Research Administration

Preparing for the Unexpected: Major Incident Management Process Announced

Posted: 3/16/2021

The ESR program, in collaboration with IT Services, has improved how we serve the university during major incidents - unplanned interruptions or reductions in service quality, which have a significant impact on business and end users. Now available for use, the Major Incident Management process leverages the university’s...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, ESR Behind the Scenes, News

Building a Vision for a Student Information System Future Design: Ideal State Process Analysis

Posted: 3/9/2021

The Student Information System (SIS) project team has built a rich body of knowledge developing a process landscape and current state maps. We’ve arrived here with the help of 233 subject matter experts from campus and UC San Diego Extension. After conducting over 200 working sessions we identified 117 processes on the process...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Kuali IRB Pilot and More

Posted: 2/16/2021

We are getting closer to making the Kuali Institutional Review Board (IRB) module available for the research community with go-live scheduled for June 2, 2021. Watch a recording of the January 20 Kuali IRB Town Hall, below, and check your e-mail and other communication channels for important announcements from the IRB office as we get closer to...

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Category: News, Research Administration

Podcast: Kuali Research One-Year Review

Posted: 2/11/2021

The Kuali Research application was released to campus in January 2020. To mark the occasion, IT Services' The Current Podcast caught up with project Change Lead Nicole Joyce to check in on: users' change journey prioritizing configuration over customization the role of process improvement lessons learned and what comes...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes, Research Administration, News

Next Steps Toward a New SIS

Posted: 2/9/2021

If you add up all of the days, the Student Information System (SIS) project team, subject matter experts (SMEs), and technical experts have been locked away in Zoom Conference Room Pilot (CRP) sessions for nearly a month! Harnessing UC San Diego’s own expertise and insight into what we do and why we do it, the CRP sessions...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Podcast: Lean Bench and Process Improvement at Work

Posted: 1/14/2021

Get to know UC San Diego’s team of process improvement experts. Lean Bench Managers Prachi Raheja and Shawn Munro recently joined IT Services' The Current podcast to discuss the program’s origins and purpose, and the contributions it has made to ESR. Prachi and Shawn appear starting at 1:47.  Prefer reading the...

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Category: News, ESR Behind the Scenes

Getting Ready for Kuali IRB

Posted: 1/12/2021

The IRB team welcomes you into the New Year. As you have seen in previous blogs, we are on the cusp of launching an all-new IRB module from Kuali. Go-live for the new Kuali IRB system is scheduled for June 2021. Many of you already use Kuali for grants management and conflict of interest disclosures; now it is the IRB’s turn to get...

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Category: Research Administration, News

Information and Understanding Exchange

Posted: 1/8/2021

With multi-day Conference Room Pilot (CRP) sessions complete for two of three vendors, the Student Information System (SIS) project team is close to meeting the most important CRP goal: learning.Vendors were given a set of 35 UC San Diego scenarios across Enrollment, Academic Records, Billing and Financial Aid, Extension, and School of Medicine,...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Oracle Planning and Budgeting Launches this Month!

Posted: 1/7/2021

We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of Oracle Planning and Budgeting in late January 2021! This new system will make way for a bottom-up budget development for UC San Diego delivering a thoughtful design and uniformity across budgeting moving forward. Not sure if you're responsible for preparing the budget for your Financial Unit...

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Category: News, Financial Systems

Activity Hubs: December 2020

Posted: 12/15/2020

Some Activity Hubs Terms This month, the Activity Hubs team provides some definitions of terms used in this article related to Activity Hubs and data analysis. Interested in learning more? Visit the Activity Hubs website. Activity Hubs –  Activity Hubs are legacy campus data warehouse technology and process...

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Category: News, Data & Analytics

Kuali IRB Plans for Go-Live

Posted: 12/14/2020

We hope all you are all getting ready to enjoy a bit of a pause with the Winter Closure. Those of us in the Institutional Review Board (IRB) office are very excited that preparations for implementation of the Kuali IRB module are moving along as scheduled. Our team is “kicking the tires” on the forms...

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Category: News, Research Administration

Just the Beginning

Posted: 12/4/2020

What does it mean to implement a Student Information System (SIS) “solution?”  It means that selecting the best product is just the beginning of what we need to do to provide a true 21st century student experience!The Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program knows that a system replacement requires not only a core...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

What's the Latest?

Posted: 11/19/2020

ESR projects - new, in progress and already launched - have been going non-stop with project planning, implementation and all of the work that follows a system's go-live. Here's a look at some of what's been happening as reported by members of each project team: AP Next Biobib Project – Change Practitioner: Heather...

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Category: Data & Analytics, Financial Systems, Research Administration, Technology Infrastructure, Student & Faculty, News

Kuali IRB System Implementation: New and Next

Posted: 11/16/2020

As 2020 comes to a close, something to look forward to in 2021 is that the UC San Diego IRB team is closer to rolling out the Kuali IRB module! Although the launch is several months away, we remain on target for late Spring/early Summer 2021. We are excited to bring you up to speed on some of our progress.Since our update last month, the project...

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Category: News, Research Administration

Social Login Adds New Functionality for Alumni

Posted: 11/10/2020

With its growing popularity among UC San Diego alumni, Social Login- as part of the Enterprise Identity Management project- offers newly added functionality as of November 5, 2020. This new enhancement now focuses on helping those users who are unsuccessful in using their Google, Microsoft or LinkedIn account login information to easily and...

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Category: News, Technology Infrastructure, Student & Faculty

Looking To the Future: Ideal State

Posted: 11/9/2020

With business process mapping of current state in full swing, the Student Information System (SIS) project team is already busy planning for the analysis of a system-agnostic ideal state. But what does all of this analysis have to do with implementing a new SIS?A student information system is one of the engines of a...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Kuali Institutional Review Board Module Coming Soon

Posted: 10/13/2020

Many of you involved in research activities have interacted with the new Kuali system for research administration. UC San Diego implemented Kuali Research for grants administration and Kuali COI for conflict of interest reporting in January of this year. Next up is the Institutional Review Board module, Kuali IRB.  All researchers know...

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Category: Research Administration, News

Services & Support Portal Transforms Customer Experience

Posted: 10/13/2020

In early 2020 UC San Diego launched the Services & Support Portal, which serves as a centralized place for students, faculty, staff and community members to get help in the following categories: Budget & Finance; Information Technology; Payroll, Academic Personnel...

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Category: News, ESR Behind the Scenes

Social Login an Alumni Success

Posted: 10/13/2020

Part of the Enterprise Identity Management project, Social Login is a continuing success with UC San Diego community members. Social Login helps users, namely alumni, easily and securely access select university resources and services using their Google, Microsoft or LinkedIn account login information. The service has created a more secure...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News, Technology Infrastructure

Coming Together: New SIS to Unify Campus and Extension

Posted: 10/5/2020

Currently, UC San Diego operates with two student information systems: one for undergraduate, graduate, and the Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy; and one for UC San Diego Extension. An exciting aspect of the Student Information System (SIS) project will be the transition to a single system for all student and learner data.The SIS project will...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Shaping an Improved Student Experience

Posted: 9/9/2020

For UC San Diego students - whether undergraduate, graduate, professional or Extension - the Student Information System (SIS) is the most important behind-the-scenes software system in their academic lives. It's behind-the-scenes in the sense that students do not interact with it on a daily basis, but most important in the sense that the...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News, ESR Behind the Scenes

UC OATS’ First Year

Posted: 8/18/2020

The University of California recognizes that community involvement is important for faculty and the university. While faculty are encouraged to participate in professional work and research outside of their role with their UC university, there are policies in place to determine the amount of outside work that can interfere with the duties of...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

ESR Year Three: Progress Made & What Comes After Launch

Posted: 8/17/2020

It’s hard to believe that the July 1 release of the Financial Information System (FIS) marked the third year of our ESR journey. The launch of 17 new systems, to date, started with a vision and a PowerPoint deck.  I’d like to personally thank the hundreds of staff members who have contributed to the ESR projects as...

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Category: News, ESR Behind the Scenes

The Financial Activity Hub is Live

Posted: 8/17/2020

The Financial Activity Hub (FinAH) is now live and in production with Oracle General Ledger data and the new Common Chart of Accounts. Future releases, anticipated on a monthly basis, will include Project Number, Expenditure Organization, Expenditure Types, Task Number, Award Number and Funding Sources (Oracle PPM data) and Budget. The launch...

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Category: Data & Analytics, News, Financial Systems

UCPath Deployments Complete!

Posted: 8/13/2020

The final UCPath implementation happened on July 27 when Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) went live with UCPath. This deployment concludes the implementation of the largest business transformation initiative in UC history. With this last deployment, UCPath now supports 230,000 UC employees with one single payroll, benefits and human...

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Category: HR and Payroll, News

Process Improvement: Getting into the Weeds

Posted: 8/11/2020

“Getting into the weeds” is often invoked in a pejorative context – especially in a work setting. Discuss too much detail and people tend to zone out!   However, “getting into the weeds” is exactly what’s needed for...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

FIS Release Takes UC San Diego Into New Era

Posted: 7/14/2020

UC San Diego’s Financial Information System (FIS) project is live with the release of Oracle Financials Cloud, a world-class financial system, and Concur, a new travel and expense system. FIS is a signature component of the Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program—the largest technology improvement program ever undertaken at...

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Category: News, Financial Systems

Activity Hubs Update

Posted: 7/13/2020

Business Intelligence and Analytics (BIA), the team behind Activity Hub data repositories, is proud to support UC San Diego's COVID-19 remediation efforts: Return to Learn Researchers Return to Campus Return to Work The team's shift to these important efforts has meant delays for some of our standing projects, and we appreciate your...

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Category: News, Data & Analytics

SIS Moves Forward with Executive Support

Posted: 7/8/2020

The Student Information System (SIS) renewal effort has been charging ahead for over a year now. It is designed to concurrently replace outdated student systems with new, more flexible technology, improve business processes and practices, and offer a more user-friendly experience for students.Despite having had to to rapidly transition to remote...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Social Login Successfully Launches

Posted: 6/17/2020

On May 20, 2020, UC San Diego brought alumni access to systems into the 21st century. As part of the ESR Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project, Social Login officially launched, ushering a new era in identity and access management. This new, user-friendly...

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Category: News, Technology Infrastructure, Student & Faculty

Adjusting to FIS Will Take Time - Be Patient with Each Other, and Yourself

Posted: 6/15/2020

In less than two weeks on July 1, Oracle Financials Cloud and Concur will go live as part of our Financial Information Systems (FIS) project. This milestone is more than two years in the making and has involved participation from hundreds of staff members across campus, the Foundation and UC San Diego...

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Category: News, Financial Systems

UCPath Deployed at UC San Diego

Posted: 6/12/2020

We are excited to announce that on June 1, UC San Diego and UC San Francisco rounded out the 10 UC campuses, five medical centers and four other entities that have now implemented UCPath, the new systemwide human resources, benefits and payroll system. With this deployment, 230,000 employees are using the system and being served by the UCPath...

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Category: HR and Payroll, News

Process Mapping 101

Posted: 6/10/2020

Hi y’all! My name is Katie and I’m the Business Process Lead for the Student Information System (SIS) project. My day job is in the Division of Biological Sciences where I am a Technical Project Manager with a background in user experience design. As part of the Biology Computer Services business unit, I lead a great team of...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News, ESR Behind the Scenes

SIS Project to Provide Clear, User-Friendly Student Financial Experience

Posted: 6/9/2020

In March, as the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the shift to remote classes, on-campus residents were given the option of voiding their housing contracts and receiving housing credits. Approximately 9,500 students took this option.For Student Financial Solutions (SFS), applying credits is a manual, student-by-student process. While we were...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty, ESR Behind the Scenes

From Old to New: IFIS to Oracle Transition

Posted: 6/1/2020

As we make this major transition to a new financial system, it’s important to make sure we close out IFIS accurately. Most of you will be closing out FY20 financial activity in IFIS, our legacy system, through July 10 for Prelim and July 17 for VC Cutoff.  See ledger cutoff dates here. This means you’re...

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Category: Financial Systems, News

Guiding People Through Change: A Look at OCM in ESR

Posted: 5/19/2020

A business-focused initiative, Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) introduces a lot of change to UC San Diego as projects reengineer how we do business. So, as complex processes are streamlined and systems are retired, replaced and/or upgraded, it can be all too easy to lose sight of the people we are asking to adopt universitywide change....

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

Managing Your Identity and Access with EIM

Posted: 5/19/2020

Have you ever missed a deadline because you were waiting for access to a campus system or service? How many times have you encountered delays because different campus systems could not recognize that you were in fact the same person? How many of you struggle to remember the difference between your Business Systems and Active Directory...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, Student & Faculty

Countdown to FIS Is On – Get Familiar with Key Dates

Posted: 5/13/2020

July 1 and the Oracle Financials Cloud and Concur go-lives are a mere 40 days away. Now is the time to get familiar with dates and deadlines for the transition, or cutover, between current financial systems and the new Oracle and Concur platforms. This one-pager has the basics; please review and share within your department.  Here is a...

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Category: Financial Systems, News

UCPath Is Here

Posted: 5/13/2020

On June 1, both UC San Diego and UC San Francisco will go live with UCPath, the UC-wide human resources and payroll system. This will mean that all locations except the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), which will deploy later in the summer, will be actively using UCPath   UCPath introduces new technology to UC San Diego...

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Category: HR and Payroll, News

New Student System to Ensure Accuracy, Provide Improved User Experience

Posted: 5/8/2020

As University Registrar, I’m responsible for supporting the instructional mission of the university by providing core enrollment services to students, faculty, colleges and academic departments in the areas of academic records, class scheduling and registration. It’s a job I take seriously, but also...

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Category: Student & Faculty, ESR Behind the Scenes, News

Users React to Kuali Research Go-Live

Posted: 4/13/2020

On January 21, UC San Diego activated Kuali Research as the university’s new system for research administration. The go-live was the culmination of a multi-year process that included business process improvement, technical implementation, training and more. Kuali Research is in place to manage the university’s $1B (and...

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Category: News, Research Administration

Payroll Support Changes

Posted: 4/6/2020

To improve our ability to provide customer service during this season of remote working and social distancing, we are announcing the following initiative. New Service Portal As of Monday, April 6, payroll is live on ServiceNow (SNOW), UC San Diego's centralized service and support portal that provides help for business services and...

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Category: HR and Payroll, News

Ecotime Delays Some Department Rollouts

Posted: 3/18/2020

Many employees are transitioning to working remotely to promote social distancing and curb the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). In order to balance continued operations with time needed to adjust to this new way of working, the first rollout has been limited to 3 departments, with the rollout for the rest of the departments in Wave 1...

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Category: News, HR and Payroll

UCPath Training to Move Online

Posted: 3/13/2020

Effective March 16, 2020, the UCPath Training Team is suspending all in-person training until further notice in alignment with campus efforts to reduce in-person gatherings as the COVID-19 situation evolves. This includes all upcoming bootcamps and funding courses, as well as open lab sessions.  We are vigorously developing an online...

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Category: HR and Payroll, News

EVC Elizabeth H. Simmons Encourages Support, Offers Resources for Staff Undergoing Change

Posted: 2/25/2020

UC San Diego strives for a culture of continuous improvement. As a campus, and through work on Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR), we are shifting how we conduct business and deliver services, by empowering staff and subject matter experts to identify surmountable challenges and drive change that resolves them. Such efforts...

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Category: News

Ecotime Wave 1 Rollout Delayed

Posted: 2/21/2020

Message delivered to employees in the following VC areas: Advancement Chancellor's Office Chief Financial Officer Equity Diversity and Inclusion Research Student Affairs Upon careful review, and in consultation with management, the Ecotime project team has decided to delay the release of Wave 1. Originally scheduled for February 23/March...

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Category: News, HR and Payroll

Kuali COI Simplifies Researcher Disclosure Process

Posted: 2/19/2020

On January 21, the Kuali Conflict of Interest (COI) module went live as a web-based platform to create an electronic process for conflict of interest disclosures at UC San Diego. Releasing the module on time (in conjunction with Kuali Research) is a major...

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Category: Research Administration, News

Partnership, Communication Key During Time of Change

Posted: 2/18/2020

As we all know, UC San Diego has the distinction of being recognized as a top-tier academic institution. This has been remarkably achieved despite core business systems that have not kept pace with our organization’s growth and evolution. The time for this to change has come so that the legacy of UC San Diego’s global...

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Category: News, ESR Behind the Scenes

UC OATS: Departments Achieve 100% Compliance; New Features Coming

Posted: 2/14/2020

Congratulations to the Department of Literature and the Department of Pediatrics in Health Sciences—both were the only departments to have 100% compliance for 2018-19 reporting in the Online Activities Tracking System (OATS) by the November 2019 deadline. UC Oats is the faculty solution for entry, review and pre-approval of activites...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

Lean Bench 2019 Recap

Posted: 2/13/2020

UC San Diego’s Lean Bench, a team of Lean Six Sigma experts, has completed another successful year of bringing process improvement to Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR). The group recently met to recognize accomplishments of its 2019 cohort and welcome new members for 2020.   Over the past year, the...

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Category: News, ESR Behind the Scenes

Why Ecotime?

Posted: 2/13/2020

As you might know, UC San Diego is implementing a new payroll timekeeping system, called Ecotime, that will replace MyTime, TAR and other local paper processes. We would like to acknowledge feedback we’ve received about Ecotime, including that it is difficult to use and doesn’t even feel like an...

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Category: News, HR and Payroll

Financial Information System- What is MVP?

Posted: 1/23/2020

Image courtesy of @Krispy Kreme @andreacrofts Change is Coming It’s a time of significant change, both on- and off-campus at UC San Diego. We’re seeing new technologies, discoveries and revolutionary social changes. However significant these changes may be, they really hit home when they affect us on a personal level. Such...

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Category: Financial Systems

Immediate Change in Grant Application and Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Posted: 1/21/2020

The following is a reprint of a Campus Notice published January 21, 2020.  We are pleased to announce Kuali Research and Kuali Conflict of Interest(COI) are now live and ready for use. The launch of Kuali Research andKuali COI is the culmination of redesigning business processes in orderto streamline, develop and implement institutional...

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Category: Events, Research Administration

Access to Contract and Grant Data is Changing

Posted: 1/14/2020

Starting January 22, 2020, Contract and Grant Data will no longer be available via QueryLink. Instead, Research data will be accessed through the Research Activity Hub using the Cognos and Tableau reporting tools.    In coordination with the transition...

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Category: Data & Analytics

Ecotime Timekeeping Project Announces Rollout Dates and Training

Posted: 1/14/2020

The Ecotime payroll timekeeping system will replace MyTime and several other timekeeping systems across campus in conjunction with the launch of the UCPath HR & Payroll system. Ecotime will be used by all campus employees who report time worked and time away, excluding...

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Category: HR and Payroll

CHRO Nancy Resnick Expresses Support for Those Experiencing Change

Posted: 1/13/2020

ESR means change. The change is real, and it’s here. The first half of 2020 will be jam-packed with ESR releases, starting next week as the Kuali Research and Kuali Conflict of Interest systems come online. In coming months systems for timekeeping (Ecotime), HR and Payroll (UCPath) and...

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Category: News

New Service & Support Portal Now Live

Posted: 1/13/2020

Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) will change a lot about how you work, including new, streamlined processes and leading-edge technology solutions.   In conjunction with ESR, the way you experience customer support campuswide will also change. On January 13, a new, centralized Service & Support Portal came...

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Category: Uncategorized

Disclosure Process During Kuali System Migration

Posted: 12/20/2019

Dear Research Administrator,This notice is to provide you with important information regarding the COI disclosure process during the EPD/Coeus-to-Kuali Research (KR) system migration scheduled from 12 p.m. Tuesday, January 14 to 7 a.m. Tuesday, January 21, 2020.  COI Disclosures During Migration Non-Coeus projects(Gifts, MTAs, Service...

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Category: Events, News, Research Administration

ESR Grows in 2019, Preps for 2020 Go-Lives

Posted: 12/18/2019

As the year ends, I’d like to recap some of our Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) successes and lessons learned for 2019, and look ahead to 2020. But before that, I’d like to say, “Thank you,” for your support and contributions along the way. It’s very important to recognize the resources and time...

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Category: News, Uncategorized

UCSDPLAN: Oracle’s Planning and Budgeting System Soft Launch

Posted: 12/17/2019

Announcing the upcoming soft launch of the new UC San Diego Planning and Budgeting System (UCSDPLAN) We are excited to announce that the new UC San Diego Planning and Budgeting System (UCSDPLAN) will soft launch February 2020 for Pilot Group Users! Find out more about the Pilot and Non-Pilot Group here and responsibilities during the...

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Category: Financial Systems, News

New Proposal Submission Timelines

Posted: 12/16/2019

There are new research proposal submission timelines, effective January 21, 2020. These timelines will allow us to use Kuali Research most effectively, ensure necessary oversight of proposals, and reduce administrative effort by departmental research administrators and PIs. PIs should notify research administrators of...

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Category: Training, Research Administration

Process Palooza to Showcase ESR, Campus Success Stories

Posted: 12/15/2019

Process Palooza returns to UC San Diego March 25. This unique, high-energy conference celebrates UC San Diego’s commitment to business excellence, operational efficiency and continuous improvement.   Register and learn more at   “Process improvement, business...

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Category: Training, Events, Uncategorized

ESR Continuity Planning Team Helps Users Navigate Change

Posted: 11/18/2019

Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) means change for UC San Diego. Big change – in terms of how we work, access data and connect systems.   The people helping individuals and departments work through change are Say-Ho Tan, Jessica Pohle and Angela Carpenter from the ESR Continuity Planning...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, ESR Behind the Scenes

UCPath New Deployment Schedule

Posted: 11/15/2019

UCPath is coming soon! Our new UCPath deployment schedule has UC San Diego going live June 1, 2020. The UCPath Central Steering Committee just adjusted the UCPath deployment schedule by 30 days. This became necessary when UC San Francisco (UCSF) requested a delay in its deployment timeline. Instead of going live in March 2020 as scheduled, UCSF...

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Category: HR and Payroll

Activity Hubs: the New Standard for Data Storage and Access

Posted: 10/17/2019

It goes without saying that data is a driving force at a top-tier research institution such as UC San Diego. It’s how we establish the boundaries of what we know and what we don’t know, but being able to effectively access and analyze reliable data hasn’t always been the easiest task. That’s why Activity...

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Category: Data & Analytics

Kuali COI Web-Based Electronic System

Posted: 10/1/2019

The Kuali system is targeted for go live in early 2020 to aid sponsored research administration, Conflict of Interest tracking and Institutional Review Board (IRB) compliance tracking for human subjects testing. The Kuali COI module is a web-based platform that provides an electronic disclosure process for conflict of...

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Category: Training, Research Administration

Common Questions About Kuali Research

Posted: 10/1/2019

The upcoming Kuali Research solution (KR) will meet campus research administration needs, help streamline business processes and allow for development of institutional best practices.  The following are questions we've been hearing about how KR will work at UC...

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Category: Training, Research Administration

Oracle’s Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (EPBCS)

Posted: 9/26/2019

A little over a year ago the campus began the Financial Information System project in earnest and last November announced the selection of Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC) as UC San Diego's new comprehensive financial management solution. Projected to go live in 2020, Oracle Financials Cloud will provide a modern, intuitive solution to...

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Category: Financial Systems, News

ESR Data Use Inventory: What's Next?

Posted: 9/13/2019

What happens to your current business process or system inventory after it's created? The Continuity Planning team provides links to status checks and follow-up meetings to help move you toward solutions for new enterprise system data. Continuity PlanningWe'd like to first introduce the ESR Continuity Project and team. The...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, News

UC OATS Goes Live

Posted: 9/13/2019

Add the University of California Outside Activity Tracking System (UC OATS) to the list of ESR project launches! UC OATS went live on September 3 as the new faculty solution for entry, review and pre-approval of activites they engage in outside of their work on campus. “We are excited to partner with our fellow UC campuses in bringing...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Student Information System Project in Full Swing

Posted: 9/13/2019

The Student Information System (SIS) project has launched! With SIS, UC San Diego will be replacing the current Integrated Student Information System, ISIS, in order to achieve modern efficiencies, streamline reporting needs and improve the student experience.  “We are excited to kick off the Student Information...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

New Travel & Expense and Procure-to-Pay Platforms Launching July 2020

Posted: 9/13/2019

The implementation of the new financial system (Oracle Financials Cloud) has provided UC San Diego with the opportunity to evaluate and refresh many processes and technologies. As a central business office with many applications and processes that generate financial transactions, Integrated Procure-to-Pay Solutions (IPPS) seized the moment to...

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Category: Financial Systems, News

Kuali Research Begins to Train the Trainers

Posted: 9/3/2019

Preparing for the January 21, 2020 go-live date, the Kuali Research project team has began to Train-the-Trainers. We are excited to present Kuali Research to research administrators using this and other training opportunities.  What is Train-the-Trainer? A key principle of the ESR program is to use UC San Diego talent wherever...

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Category: Research Administration, Training

Kuali Research Announces Training Plans

Posted: 8/5/2019

The Kuali Research project team is working to finalize details on the training strategy in preparation for the January 21, 2020 go-live date. We’ll be implementing a blended learning approach to training, delivering materials to you in a variety of ways. It's important to note that instructor-led classroom activities, eLearning...

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Category: Research Administration, Training

Kuali Projects July Webinar

Posted: 7/16/2019

Tune in to the July Kuali Projects Digital Forum to hear the latest on Kuali Research, Conflict of Interest and Protocols (IRB). Maybe you have questions? We can help! The Kuali project teams' monthly webinar is dedicated to informing research analysts and others who work with researchers and grants about the new Kuali system. Login on at...

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Category: Events, Research Administration

New UC-Wide Outside Activity Tracking System is On the Way

Posted: 7/12/2019

We are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of the University of California Outside Activity Tracking System, known as UC OATS. UC OATS is a system-wide program, customized for each campus, that helps faculty, deans and faculty administrators efficiently track, manage and certify outside professional activities. Replacing the current paper...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

EDMS Launches Enrollment Management

Posted: 7/10/2019

The Enterprise Document Management System (EDMS) project has cleared another milestone with the recent go live of the solution for Enrollment Management. The EDMS solution, known as OnBase, securely stores campus documents that need to be retained for legal and regulatory purposes, such as contracts and agreements, human resources records and...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure, News

Kuali Research System Demo

Posted: 7/8/2019

The Kuali Research system continues to undergo configuration changes as the team receives feedback. Up next is User Acceptance Testing (UAT), which will inform the project team of changes needed to support the business processes designed by subject matter experts and KR users. User testing participants will experience a hands-on demo...

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Category: Research Administration

The Kuali Projects Monthly Webinar Series

Posted: 6/18/2019

Hear the latest on the Kuali Research, Conflict of Interest and Protocols (IRB) projects at the Kuali Projects Digital Forum. Maybe you have questions for the project teams. We have the forum. The Kuali project teams hold a monthly webinar dedicated to informing research analysts and others who work with researchers and grants about the new...

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Category: Research Administration, Events

A New Way to Manage Our Spaces

Posted: 6/17/2019

We are pleased to announce the recent launch of our new Facilities Information Management (FIM) Space Management solution to help us make smarter, data-informed decisions for our current and future space needs.  Unprecedented Growth Supports the Need for Better Technology  UC San Diego’s footprint spans more than 800...

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Category: Facilities Management, News

Learn More About ESR Continuity Planning at Campus LISA

Posted: 6/17/2019

So you went and completed your ESR Data Use Inventory. Now what? ESR Continuity Planning kicks in! Learn more about this process, and ask questions, during a workshop at Campus LISA next Wednesday, June 26. ESR Data Architect David Hutches and ESR Program Director Kevin Chou will present “ESR Continuity Planning: Your Role,”...

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Category: Events

What Comes After Business Process Improvement?

Posted: 6/4/2019

If you’re following the Kuali Research project, you’ve been hearing about the Business Process Improvement efforts that ran their course from April 2018 to May 2019. This unprecedented effort laid a foundation to configure the new system in a way that supports lean business processes and increases efficiency. Now...

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Category: Research Administration

UCOP Announces New UCPath Deployment Timeline

Posted: 5/10/2019

On March 30, UC Berkeley successfully went live with UCPath. With this implementation, more than 100,000 UC employees now access benefits and pay information and perform self-service functions on UCPath. For the remaining locations, UCOP announced an adjustment to the UCPath Deployment Schedule. The adjustment became necessary when UC Irvine...

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Category: News, HR and Payroll

Kuali Research Holds Town Hall: Announces Go Live Date

Posted: 5/7/2019

The Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program’s Kuali Research project recently hosted a town hall meeting where the project's sponsors shared their overall vision and key team members provided status updates. Also announced during the town hall was a January 21, 2020 project go-live date. The town hall started with an outline of...

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Category: Research Administration, Events

Document Management Made Easy 

Posted: 4/12/2019

Have you ever wondered where documents should be stored, how long they should be retained or who will have access to the data? Have you ever encountered difficulty exchanging documents and other types of content with other departments? For example, your information is in one format, their information is in another, and there is no sensible way...

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Category: Technology Infrastructure

Facilities Information Management Town Hall

Posted: 4/5/2019

The Facilities Information Management (FIM) team is implementing the TRIRIGA integrated workplace management system to ensure that the university has access to effective space planning and utilization tools. Attend the Town Hall on Wednesday, April 17, 1-2:30 p.m. in the Old Student Center, Dolores Huerta-Vera Cruz Room. Audience: UC San Diego...

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Category: Events

FIM Training Sessions

Posted: 4/5/2019

Space Navigation and Content Training  Audience: This training is for UC San Diego space and data viewers, space managers, designated space planners and employees who are or will be involved in relocating people, allocating space or making space-related decisions. This session is a pre-requisite for...

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Category: Training

Kuali Research Town Hall Event

Posted: 4/3/2019

The ESR Kuali Research project team is excited to announce an event for the campus research community to learn more about the Kuali Research administration system. The Event Project sponsors and team members will provide a project overview and discuss how Kuali will impact the way we do business. A question and answer session will follow the...

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Category: Research Administration, Events

Kuali Research Town Hall Livestream

Posted: 4/2/2019

Tune in here to watch a livestream of the Kuali Research Project Sponsor, Escalation Committee, and Project Team as they discuss the current state of the project. In-person seating is limited, so RSVP before tickets run out, or watch a livestream of the event. (Return here to watch the livestream.) Date: April 29, 2019Time: 9 to 10:30 a.m. Town...

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Category: Events, Research Administration

The Kuali Research Testing Strategy

Posted: 4/1/2019

Research administration business process improvement efforts are coming to a close, which means that Kuali Research configuration is underway. Configuring the system to support the improved business processes is as important as testing the system to meet your needs. That's why the Kuali Research project team has developed a thorough...

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Category: Research Administration

AP Next Launches Faculty180 Pilot

Posted: 3/19/2019

AP Next officially launched the Faculty180 pilot, an exciting new system for improving faculty activity collection and curriculum vitae (CV) creation. The system more efficiently documents faculty’s academic activities for their reviews, including their publications and/or creative work, student instructional commitments and university...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

April Q&A: New Chart of Accounts

Posted: 3/19/2019

The UC San Diego Chart of Accounts Online Q&A Session Watch the Financial Information System team in a university-wide, two hour question and answer session on the Chart of Accounts. Presentation Topics After a presentation on the Chart of Accounts, the session was opened to campus staff to ask their questions and receive real-time...

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Category: Events, Financial Systems

ESR Hosts Workshop for People Managers

Posted: 3/18/2019

In times of change, it makes sense for employees to look first to their management for information, support, and advice.  What happens, though, if a manager isn’t prepared to guide their staff through change related to a new program or...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

Real Estate Project Preps for Go Live

Posted: 3/15/2019

This month marks the debut of the Facilities Information Management (FIM) Real Estate project! Powered by IBM Tririga software, FIM Real Estate offers more robust decision-making power for campus leadership, replacing the existing Real Estate Lease Management (RELM) system.  Prior to formation of FIM Real Estate, RELM...

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Category: Facilities Management

Financial System Town Hall

Posted: 2/15/2019

Watch the January Town Hall On January 31, the Financial Information System project team hosted a campus-wide Town Hall to talk about the new Oracle financial system and its benefits.    Town Hall Topics and Speakers:Benefits of moving to a new financial systemChief Financial Officers Pierre Ouillet and Lori DonaldsonThe...

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Category: Financial Systems

Lean Bench Kicks Off Year 2

Posted: 2/15/2019

UC San Diego’s team of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) experts is back for another year of process improvement on Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) projects.   Lean Bench members work closely with subject matter experts to map out current state processes, analyze problems by measuring key data points, then identify opportunities...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

Enhanced Degree Audit Launches for Undergraduates

Posted: 2/13/2019

I am pleased to announce the formal launch of UC San Diego’s next generation Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS). On January 23, the Office of the Registrar, in partnership with IT Services, colleges, divisions, academic departments and programs, delivered an enhanced version of our 23-year-old degree audit to all...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

The Subject Matter Expert Perspective

Posted: 2/7/2019

You’ve been hearing about business process improvement from key leaders at UC San Diego like VCR Sandra Brown and AVC Linda Collins. You’ve also heard about the significance of business process improvement work from the Kuali project team, but now let’s hear from the people doing the work for the Kuali Research...

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Category: Research Administration, News

About That Upgrade You're Requesting...

Posted: 1/15/2019

This is shaping up to be a big year for Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR). Several systems will come online, others will continue the journey through vendor selection and configuration, while others are just now kicking off.   With ESR systems in mind, it’s worth considering how the...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

UCPath Deployment Schedule Updated

Posted: 1/15/2019

The UCPath Steering Committee and Executive Leadership Team unanimously approved the following changes to the remaining UCPath deployment schedule. Based on analysis and recommendations by the UCPath Project Management Office and Deployments 1 and 2 Subcommittees: Deployment 1 locations,...

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Category: News, HR and Payroll

ESR @ Process Palooza

Posted: 12/20/2018

David Hutches presents "What Drives Your Desire for Data?"  Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) is dedicated to streamlining how we work, so sponsoring a conference dedicated to process improvement is a natural fit. Now in its second year, Process Palooza is an outgrowth of UC San Diego’s strategic plan and a...

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Category: News

Kuali Research Project Experiences Lean Bench in Action

Posted: 12/20/2018

Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) is not just about upgrading outdated and inefficient business systems. Review and improvement of business processes is an equally important part of the program. The combination ensures that as outdated systems are replaced, the processes used to access the systems are updated and efficient to...

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Category: Research Administration, News

Lean Bench Wraps Successful First Year

Posted: 12/20/2018

It’s been a busy first year for the UC San Diego Lean Bench, a team of Lean Six Sigma experts tasked with implementing process improvement efforts for Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) projects and other campuswide initiatives.  On the ESR front, Lean Bench has engaged with the Space...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

Using Business Process Improvement to Better Support Our Research Enterprise

Posted: 12/20/2018

Last year UC San Diego received more than $1.2 billion in awarded research funding. This funding is supported by a trend of increasing applications submitted to our sponsors each year. During the first quarter of FY19, the number of proposals submitted by UC San Diego researchers increased by 38% over the same period from FY18! During the last...

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Category: Research Administration, ESR Behind the Scenes

Live Panel: Ask Your Data Questions

Posted: 12/13/2018

Online Data Panel Q&A Session Thursday, December 13, 2018 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. As the Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program reviews and updates our major campus business systems (finance, student, HR, research, facilities, etc.), the way we access data will be changing. Visit to learn more about...

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Category: News, ESR Behind the Scenes

Data Use Inventory: We Need Your Information!

Posted: 11/29/2018

The Way You Get Data is Changing As the Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program reviews and updates our major campus business systems (finance, student, HR, research, facilities, etc.), the way we access data is also changing. The wide variety of applications that rely on data that is currently accessed through tools like IFIS, the...

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Category: Data & Analytics, Technology Infrastructure, News, ESR Behind the Scenes

A New Financial System for UC San Diego

Posted: 11/20/2018

As senior director, internal controls and accounting, I’m responsible for all corporate accounting, financial reporting, internal controls and compliance for UC San Diego. I’m also the project build lead for the Financial Information Systems project (FIS), which basically means I’m responsible for making sure we...

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Category: Financial Systems

Process Palooza Puts Focus on Continuous Improvement 

Posted: 11/20/2018

Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) is part tech upgrade, part business process improvement. If you’re ready to take a deep dive into what process improvement means at UC San Diego, you’ll want to attend the Process Palooza event on December 12 at the Price Center.   This day-long conference...

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Category: News

Financial Community Memorandum: Experts Needed!

Posted: 11/20/2018

Instituting best practices in Oracle ERP Cloud to support process excellence, better operational performance and innovation.  The Financial Information System (FIS) project is part of the Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program that will transform and streamline core business and administrative processes. UC San Diego has...

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Category: News, Financial Systems

ProSAM Student Financial Aid Solution is Live 

Posted: 11/20/2018

Since July 2018, UC San Diego has disbursed more than $145M in graduate and undergraduate financial aid using a new solution called ProSAM. ProSAM replaces “classic” SAM, otherwise known as Student Aid Management, which has been in use at UC San Diego for 30 years or more.   “SAM is the...

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Category: Student & Faculty, News

UCPath Data: Clean, Convert, Review, Repeat 

Posted: 11/20/2018

The UCPath core project team is about to conduct a three-step data conversion cycle to prepare data from the current Payroll Personnel Systems (PPS) for the move to UCPath. This phase is key to ensuring that data in PPS is clean, consistent, and formatted to be compatible with the new...

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Category: News, HR and Payroll

FIS Needs Your Information

Posted: 11/13/2018

Downstream Data Use Inventory:Financial Information System Needs You! Adam DiProfio and Arlynn Renslow, Financial Information System Change Leads Why an Inventory? As the Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) program reviews and updates our major campus business systems (finance, student, HR, research, facilities, etc.), the way we access data is...

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Category: Financial Systems, News

A Higher Degree of Advising Support

Posted: 10/19/2018

Fall Quarter is upon us, and thousands of students are back on campus. Sure, they’re focused on the day-to-day – papers due, lab assignments, what’s for lunch. But they’re also looking down the road to their expected graduation. Right now they can only get a rudimentary view of what that road will be like....

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Category: Student & Faculty

APNext Team Attends New Faculty Orientation

Posted: 10/19/2018

UC San Diego’s new faculty orientation took place September 24, and the APNext team was on hand to talk about Interfolio, the new faculty review solution we’re currently piloting. At our booth we provided live demonstrations and talked about Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR). Having a presence at this event was important to...

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Category: Student & Faculty

UC San Diego's New Chart of Accounts

Posted: 10/19/2018

Image courtesy of OiMax More than 40 key staff representing all areas of campus, the Medical Center and Foundation have been working hard as a team over the past year to define a new Chart of Accounts in support of our new financial system. Last week we had a wrap up session and debrief with the group to finalize the overall chart...

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Category: Financial Systems

UCPath Live at UCLA and UCSB

Posted: 10/19/2018

UCPath is rolling! Two more locations are live! The momentum is increasing!   What is UCPath? It is the new system-wide initiative that will modernize and optimize our current human resources, academic personnel and payroll systems – replacing PPS.  On September 23, UCPath went live for UCLA employees, followed by UC...

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Category: HR and Payroll

ESR Hits the Road for RAAD Event

Posted: 9/20/2018

Vice Chancellor of Research Sandra Brown speaks to campus research administrators The third annual Research Administrator Appreciation Day celebrating the dedication and support of UC San Diego’s research administrators (RA) drew a crowd of over 300! At the September 7 event, Vice Chancellor of Research Sandra Brown was the...

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Category: Financial Systems, Research Administration

Expert Sourcing at Work - ESR by the Numbers

Posted: 9/20/2018

“Expert sourcing” – relying on UC San Diego talent – lies at the heart of our approach to Enterprise Systems Renewal. As the program works to reshape the way UC San Diego does business, our diverse set of contributors, project team members, subject matter experts (SMEs) and change champions is making an...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

Digitizing Academic Reviews

Posted: 8/20/2018

Jenna Lucius and Cindy Palmer work on APNext Interfolio. UC San Diego is growing more rapidly than ever. No one would dispute that the campus is undergoing a radical and exciting transformation. In order to support the expected growth of student enrollment in the coming years, now more than ever, we have to work smarter and more...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes, Student & Faculty

Space Management: Making Room for Extraordinary 

Posted: 8/20/2018

Kate Balderston, Jacobs School of Engineering I’m excited about UC San Diego’s path toward strategically improving as a student-centered, research-focused and service-oriented public university. Nowhere on campus is this more relevant than at Jacobs School of Engineering. We have big goals, including accomplishing a...

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Category: Facilities Management

Making Systems Work for Research Administrators – Not the Other Way Around

Posted: 7/20/2018

What do ePD, IP, Award, COA, EMTA, ASSIST, Fastlane and all have in common? They are some of the systems used in proposing over $4 billion in research funding and managing the $1 billion awarded to UC San Diego’s research community annually. These systems aren’t integrated; therefore, data must be entered...

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Category: Research Administration, News

Managing the People Side of Business Transformation

Posted: 7/20/2018

Imagine a project where staff from across campus are engaged from start to finish to address the technology, process, business and people needs. Imagine UC San Diego as a highly change-ablecommunity. That's our vision, and the Enterprise Systems Renewal program (ESR) is a good test for fulfilling this vision. ESR affects nearly...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

Accessing Data: Communities of Practice

Posted: 6/20/2018

Data and analytics at UC San Diego are getting an upgrade. Data warehouses are being replaced by activity hubs — repositories of historical and future data used for the aggregation of development, alumni, employee, facilities, financial, research and student activity. Data in the various hubs will be available for analytical use via...

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Category: Data & Analytics

Configuration vs. Customization… What’s the Difference?

Posted: 6/20/2018

If you know anything about Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR), you know we’re changing business processes and replacing the collection of aging systems we use to run the university.The changes will be deeper still. They’ll go to the heart of how IT and the rest of the university work together. A key example is the difference...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

Delivering Smarter Systems

Posted: 6/20/2018

Your favorite apps and software programs are probably simple and intuitive, yet powerful. They can communicate with each other and share data. Compare those with the applications you use at work. Not quite the same. Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) exists to fix that.    How We Got...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

ESR DIY, Wanted: Experts to Borrow

Posted: 6/20/2018

In an effort as big as the Enterprise Systems Renewal program, and with so many moving parts, some work is hard the way astrophysics is hard. Some is hard the way digging a well is hard. ESR isn’t quite that extreme on either side, but to succeed we’re going to need very smart people to participate....

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

ESR Technology and Infrastructure

Posted: 6/20/2018

The Enterprise Systems Renewal program represents a fundamental shift in our use of and relationship to technology systems and infrastructure. Data will be more easily accessible as we become a data-driven enterprise. New services will come on line much faster.   ESR's guiding principles for architecture,...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

Lean Bench Brings Visibility to Processes

Posted: 6/20/2018

Imagine your department or workflow was slowed down by functional silos, multiple hand-offs, unacceptable delays and backlogs. Or that you are working on a process that is mission critical to the success of your department but needs continuous tinkering. 

Now imagine you could tap into a group of experts from the campus...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

New Admissions Solution Streamlines Process

Posted: 6/20/2018

One of the first ESR projects to be implemented is a streamlined undergraduate admissions process using a solution called Slate. In the past, Enrollment Management used a mishmash of tools for the admissions process: one for applications, another for campus tours, another for communications…The systems were outdated, difficult to use...

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Category: News, Student & Faculty

Modernizing UC San Diego’s Approach Toward Investing in a New Financial System

Posted: 6/20/2018

It’s no secret that UC San Diego has historically avoided conducting Requests for Proposal (RFPs) for high-value goods and services. The RFP process has been cumbersome due to the requirements to demonstrate fair competition among potential bidders, so avoiding it was understandable. “More is...

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Category: Financial Systems, ESR Behind the Scenes

uAchieve Release Date Announced

Posted: 6/20/2018

At a recent town hall meeting, the uAchieve team announced that the campus-wide launch date of the uAchieve system will be January 23, 2019. Timing a project as long and complex as this is not an easy task, but with the help of campus-wide partners, uAchieve is set to deliver an evolutionary way of auditing student degrees at UC San Diego.The...

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Category: Student & Faculty

Process Improvement Puts ESR in the Fast Lane

Posted: 6/15/2018

Have you ever seen a Formula 1 pitstop? In a matter of seconds, the pit crew changes the tires, gasses up and sends the driver back onto the course. Races can be won and lost in the pits. A pit stop is also the ultimate expression of process improvement: no wasted motion, precise sequences, everything happening in harmony. The team has analyzed...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes

UC San Diego is Renewing its Systems!

Posted: 4/27/2018

UC San Diego has launched a focused effort which, over the next several years, will renew most of the business processes the university uses today. The program, titled “Enterprise Systems Renewal” (ESR), will affect just about all major systems in use, from core accounting, to human resources, to payroll, to student...

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Category: ESR Behind the Scenes