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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

A New Way to Find Reports is Coming in April!

Calling all decision makers, analysts and data aficionados.

We are proud to announce that, the current location for enterprise system and cross-system reports, will be upgraded soon to the Business Analytics Hub, also known as BAH!

Starting late April 2021, all reports that are currently available via will be found on the new Business Analytics Hub. On launch of BAH, will automatically redirect you to the new Business Analytics Hub. Look for announcements about the BAH launch on Blink and this website.

The Business Analytics Hub incorporates your feedback, customer usability best practices and UC San Diego-standard tools to create a fresh, user-friendly portal to find your favorite reports.

The look and navigation of the new BAH is much the same as, with improved functionality and processes around searches, access requests and question submission.

BAH Interface Features

BAH-HR_Payroll-Example-with-bubbles.pngThis is a view of the HR and Payroll reports screen to demonstrate the similarity to the interface and point out some new Business Analytics Hub features. Click the image to view larger.

Click to view larger


Will expire?
No. The redirect from to BAH will remain in place indefinitely.

Will all of my reports be on BAH?
Yes, all reports currently available on will be available on BAH with the same security.


Category: HR and Payroll, Financial Systems, Student & Faculty, News, Data & Analytics, Technology Infrastructure, Research Administration