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The Team

At UC San Diego, we question conventions of the status quo. Our tradition is one of nontradition and ESR is no different.

The Enterprise Systems Renewal program leverages the talent and experience of staff, partners and departments across campus to update software applications and review business processes in key service areas, including Finance, Human Resources, Research Administration and Student Information.

The ESR Team includes an oversight committee, program leadership and project teams. Projects are organized below into key service areas. Click on a service area for more information and links to the core project team contact information. 

Don't know where to start? Contact

Program Team

The ESR program team provides structure, support and oversight to the program as a whole, project leads and to campus.

Led by ESR Program Director Kevin Chou, the team provides leadership for Product Procurement, Architecture & Management, Expert Resourcing, Organizational Change Facilitation, Business Process Improvement and Marketing & Communications. 

Meet the Program team

Data and Analytics

Activity Hubs

The Employee, Facilities, Financial, Research and Student Activity Hubs are Live.

Enterprise data (activity) from key information areas are kept in Activity Hubs. Individual hubs aggregate specific types of data, with reporting and analysis allowed across the hubs using the Cognos and Tableau data visualization tools. 

Learn more about the Activity Hub projects and data visualization tools.

Meet the Activity Hub projects team.

Enterprise Identity Management

The EIM Social Login System is Live

The Remainder of the Enterprise Identity Managment (EIM) Project Has Been Canceled

Due to a critical defiicency within an open-source registry and match system, ESR and the Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project leadership made the decision to cancel the Enterprise Identity Management (EIM) project before its completion.

Work is ongoing to deliver efficient, transparent enterprise-wide identity management systems in support of the campus community at large.

Read more on the EIM project website.

Meet the EIM team.

Facilities Information Management

Facilities Information Management (FIM) supports the control and automation of information about buildings, rooms and spaces at UC San Diego.

The FIM team is implementing the Tririga integrated workplace management system to ensure the university has access to the most effective space planning and utilization tools available. There are two FIM projects: Real Estate and Space Management.

Real Estate (Tririga)

The Real Estate System is Live

Tririga Real Estate centralized processes in Tririga as a single facilities solution. Tenant agreements previously maintained in the Real Estate Lease Management (RELM) application will be moved to Tririga, and RELM will be retired.

Tririga consolidates landlord and tenant agreements in one place, automates invoice maintenance, provides better reporting and offers new functionality for configurable lease extraction.

A solution for forecasting and feasibility functionality will also be developed that will improve analysis and decision-making in advance of major real estate deals.

Learn more about the Real Estate project.

Meet the Real Estate team.

Space Management (Tririga)

The Space Management System is Live

The space management project improves support of the management of administrative offices, research space and safety.

The project’s goal is to enhance workflows, data maintenance and operational analysis through the enterprise-wide Tririga integrated workplace management system.

Learn more about the Space Management project. 

Meet the Space Management team.

Faculty Systems

AP Next Project (Interfolio)

Interfolio is Live

The Academic Personnel Services Office and the EVC’s office migrated from Academic Personnel On-Line (APOL) Review to Interfolio as part of a three-year project. Interfolio is an enhanced "faculty-first" higher education technology that offers a digital solution for faculty review, tenure and promotion. 

Learn more about the APNext project.

Meet the APNext project team.

Faculty 180

Faculty 180 is Live

The implementation of Faculty 180 will complete the AP Next Project. Faculty 180 is a faculty activity collection application that will allow for easier reporting for faculty review, tenure and other needs.  

Learn more about the Faculty 180 project. 

Meet the Faculty 180 Team.

University of California Outside Activity Tracking System Project (UC OATS)

The UC OATS System is Live

UC OATS is a UC system wide outside activity tracking system for faculty, which tracks and manages conflict of commitment disclosures for Category I, II, and III activities per the APM Section 025 - Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members and the APM Section 671 - Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Health Sciences Compensation Plan Participants.    

Learn more about UC OATS.

Meet the UC OATS team.

Financial Information Systems

Financial Information System Project

Oracle Financials Cloud and Concur are live

The Financial Information System (FIS) project focused on campus and medical centers financial business processes and systems for the general ledger, expense and revenue management, financial reporting and budget governance and travel (Concur).

The FIS team reviewed current financial business processes to inform the selection of the updated, more efficiently configured financial system, Oracle Financial Cloud. 

Learn more about the Financial Information System project.

Meet the FIS team.

Human Resources and Payroll

Ecotime Timekeeping

Ecotime is Live

Ecotime replaced and consolidated MyTime and other campus time reporting systems to better integrate with the UCPath payroll and benefits system.

Read more about the Ecotime project.

Meet the Ecotime project team members.   

Staff Performance Appraisal Project

Staff Performance Appraisal is Live

The Staff Performance Appraisal (SPA) project simplifies and standardizes the performance management process for supervisors, and makes more meaningful performance appraisals for staff.


UCPath is Live

UCPath is a UC system wide payroll, benefits, human resources and academic personnel system for all UC locations and employees. UCPath replaced the UC San Diego Payroll and Personnel System (PPS) with a modernized and sustainable solution.

Visit the the UC San Diego UCPath website.

Research Administration Systems

Conflict of Interest Project (Kuali COI)

Kuali COI is Live

The Kuali COI team managed the implementation of the Kuali Conflict of Interest module, which manages conflict of interest disclosures for sponsored research and related activities.

Learn more about the Kuali COI project.

Meet the Kuali COI team.

Kuali Institutional Review Board Project (Kuali IRB)

Kuali IRB is Live

The Kuali IRB team configured the Kuali Protocols module, which helps researchers and their teams, Institutional Review Board members, staff and institutional leadership better manage submission, review and oversight of human subjects research.

Learn more about the Kuali IRB project.

Meet the Kuali IRB team.

Sponsored Research Project (Kuali Research)

Kuali Research is Live

The Kuali Research team supported implementation of the Kuali product, which manages the sponsored projects lifecycle as it relates to pre-award and post-award to serve principal investigators and Research Administration. 

Learn more about the Kuali Research project.

Meet the Kuali Research team.

Student Systems

Student Information System

The Student Information System project is mae up of multiple systems implemented to focus on replacement of current student information systems and processes.

Learn more about the Student Information System project.

Meet the Student Information System team.

Degree Audit Reporting System Project (uAchieve)

The Degree Audit Reporting System is Live

The uAchieve project is an upgrade to the Campus Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS), combining degree audit reporting, academic planning and schedule building to support student and advisor collaboration for planning an academic career.

DARS sets the foundation for interactive audits, degree planning, seamless transfer articulation and NCAA tracking and financial aid verification. 

Learn more about the uAchieve project

Meet the uAchieve project team

Student Financial Aid System Project (ProSAM)

The ProSAM System is Live

ProSAM, and upgrade to the previous SAM system, features an easy-to-use interface, flexible and secure technology and integration with other campus systems. 

Undergraduate Admissions Project (Slate)

The Undergraduate Admissions (Slate) System is Live

Slate is the undergraduate admissions process solution implemented in partnership with campus Admissions & Enrollment Services.

Slate contact management, outreach, travel management, online applications and online reading features allow management of all interactions, communications, applications, test scores, relationships and materials for student admissions. 

The Slate project was completed after integration with campus systems in early 2018 and was used for the Fall 2018 incoming class.

Supporting Technology & Infrastructure

The Supporting Technology & Infrasctructure category is made up of the information technology projects that are at the core of the ESR program and campus operations.

In addition to supporting a variety of support functions, infrastructure projects ensure new systems are able to work together and that user access is properly controlled and secure. 

Client Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM is live

The Client Relationship Management (CRM) Project is focused on delivering best-in-class customer service to our campus and affiliates. The primary outcome will be to transition support currently provided by ASK and other platforms into a new, centralized UC San Diego Service & Support Portal.

Read more about the CRM project.

Meet the CRM team.

Enterprise Event and Production Management (EEPM) Project

EEPM is developing and implementing a campus-wide strategy for safe COVID reopening processes, reducing the number of tools needed to schedule an event and comply with campus protocols and improving venue sourcing and access to event-related data analytics/metrics.

Read more about the EEPM Project.

Meet the EEPM team.

Enterprise Document Management System (OnBase EDMS)

The OnBase Enterprise Document Management System supports workflow, document management, storage/retrieval, retention and data control.

This project will migrate and merge two current on-premise OnBase EDMS instances into a single cloud-based solution for Enrollment Management and Health Sciences.

Learn more about the EDMS project.

Meet the EDMS team.

EDMS Brainware

Brainware is an EDMS improvement that will allow direct scanning, intelligent Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and data extraction for faster and more efficient student transcript processing.

Enterprise Identity Management (EIM)

EIM is the management of campus system user accounts (identity), as well as the definition of the roles and levels of access a user is granted to each system. 

Learn more about the EIM project.

Meet the EIM team.