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New UC-Wide Outside Activity Tracking System is On the Way

We are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of the University of California Outside Activity Tracking System, known as UC OATS. UC OATS is a system-wide program, customized for each campus, that helps faculty, deans and faculty administrators efficiently track, manage and certify outside professional activities.

Replacing the current paper process, UC OATS is an interactive, web-based system that facilitates the reporting of outside professional activities and determines appropriate review and approval requirements. UC OATS will allow users to easily comply with University of California Academic Personnel Manual Conflict of Commitment policies (APM 025 , 240, 246, and 671).

"UC San Diego is delighted to be part of the systemwide UC OATS initiative which will allow us to deliver a single, comprehensive platform for electronic submission, review, approval, and reporting for conflict of commitment related outside activities. 

This system will be far superior to the paper process we've used in the past."

– Elizabeth H. Simmons, Executive Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs and UC OATS project sponsor

UC OATS is scheduled to go live at UC San Diego September 3, 2019.

Visit the UC OATS project page, where you’ll find:

  • Benefits of the new online system
  • A brief video explaining how it works
  • A continuously updated project status timeline

You can also find key project team contacts by area and ask any questions you may have.

Additional resources for UC OATS are available on the Academic Personnel Services website.

Category: Student & Faculty, News