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A Program Name Change and Kuali IRB Updates

Human Research Protection Program Has a New Name

The HRPP announces a name change to UC San Diego Office of IRB Administration, so the Office of IRB Administration will be launching the new Kuali IRB module on June 2, 2021. 

Look for more announcements coming soon around this name change!

Who Will Be Affected by Kuali IRB?

Everyone who submits any type of project to the UC San Diego Office of IRB Administration will be affected. This includes submissions for review by any UC San Diego IRB or external IRB or by the UC San Diego Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee, or for determinations that a project is not regulated or is exempt from IRB review.

This change in eIRB systems will impact a lot of people, so spread the word and be ready!

What Do You Need to Know?

The IRB submission system is changing. UC San Diego is implementing the IRB module in the Kuali Research System to replace the old eIRB Services system.

UC San Diego already uses Kuali software for research grants administration and conflict of interest reporting. Now we are implementing the IRB module.

From go-live, Kuali IRB will be used for all new studies. Existing studies already in the legacy system will convert to Kuali IRB on a rolling basis as they come up for continuing review.

If you interact at all with the UC San Diego Office of IRB Administration then you probably will be impacted by this change. Be prepared, attend training and enjoy the new system!

More Information

Category: News, Research Administration, Training