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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

Project to Replace ISIS Moves Forward

By now, you’ve likely seen the Campus Announcement informing the university community that the project to replace our current student information system (ISIS) with SAP’s Student Lifecycle Management (SLcM) officially began as of March 1, 2024.

Below are key takeaways from this project milestone, as well as a video introduction to SLcM and our contact information.

Key Takeaways

 Here's what we want you to understand about this decision.

  • The decision to move forward with the project was made by project executive leadership based on progress toward meeting previously established project readiness criteria. While some readiness criteria are still in the process of being met, leadership determined that the risks of waiting to begin outweighed the risks of moving forward. Plans are in place to continue to monitor the outstanding criteria and to meet them as soon as possible.
  • The SIS Project core team is working on scheduling a formal kickoff event, as well as training and onboarding for the implementation team and other key project events and engagements.
  • As the project gets underway, expect regular communications from the team via channels such as the SIS Project newsletter, Kaltura channel and website, as well as regular engagements with key stakeholders and impacted groups.
  • The target go-live for a new SIS will be in 2026, pending readiness of the system and the university. The SIS Project core team is working closely with project executive leadership and the vendor to identify a more specific go-live date and will share that with the university community once it is known.

We acknowledge that much of the university community is aware of the long-awaited replacement for ISIS and may understandably have concerns regarding the implementation of this new system. It is the goal of all those involved in the project to implement this new system thoughtfully. We are committed to applying lessons learned from past projects; prioritizing the needs of our faculty, staff and student users while seeking to improve the user experience; and ensuring the system allows users to do the work they need to do within the system.

Introducing SLcM

Want to learn more about the work we’re doing to replace ISIS with this new system? Watch this brief overview video for all the key details.

Reach Out to Us

Still have questions or concerns that were not addressed in the above? We want to hear from you. Reach out to us at or invite us to your next group meeting where we will be happy to listen to your questions or concerns.

Category: Student & Faculty, News