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RFP Released for Curriculum Management System

At its March 2022 meeting, the Student Information System (SIS) Project governance committee voted to proceed with a request for proposal (RFP) for a curriculum management system. This decision was reached with the input and consultation of various campus stakeholders, including the Academic Senate.

As noted in previous articles, the university can benefit from the implementation of a curriculum management system. The need to streamline workflow, track changes, manage downstream effects of said changes, track learning outcomes, manage the catalog and integrate with other systems are just a few of high-level pain points captured during our interview with stakeholders. Working closely with stakeholders and ESR Procurement, the RFP was released on July 29, 2022. 

Once responses to the RFP have been received, vendors responses to the RFP questionnaire will be scored by Procurement and the top responding vendors will be invited to conference room pilot (CRP) sessions, where they will be required to demonstrate how their software performs in real-world scenarios specific to UC San Diego's curriculum management processes. Stakeholders and subject matter experts will be evaluating and scoring the vendors on their performance in these sessions.

Alongside the RFP process, we have also begun ideal state development sessions with stakeholders from across the university. Our goal is to leverage the expertise and experience of those stakeholders to reimagine how we can accomplish things if system limitations are not a concern and how we might reduce things like wait time, rework (doing things more than once), double entry (having to enter the same information in more than one location) and overprocessing (doing more work than is necessary). The outcome of the ideal state sessions will inform the roadmap for the future state of our curriculum management processes and the scenarios that will be developed for the CRP sessions.

Category: News, Student & Faculty