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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

What Comes After Business Process Improvement?

If you’re following the Kuali Research project, you’ve been hearing about the Business Process Improvement efforts that ran their course from April 2018 to May 2019. This unprecedented effort laid a foundation to configure the new system in a way that supports lean business processes and increases efficiency.

Now that these efforts have concluded, what can you expect in the coming months?

The Kuali Research team worked with 80 subject matter experts from across all areas of UC San Diego and spent more than 180 hours applying Lean Six Sigma experience to redesigning business processes.

The team of subject matter experts tackled 25 Pre-Award and Post-Award research administration business processes. Now they and KR project team members are producing messages to communicate the results of these efforts to Kuali Research system users, managers and executives.

Information for Kuali Research Users

The messaging for users will deliver specific information about the changes to the process, why the changes are happening, the benefits for the user, how to provide feedback about the change, and how to receive transitional support.

Information for Managers

Managers will receive specific information about changes to a process and how to prepare for the change, support users, process feedback from users and provide feedback to the project team.

Information for Executives

Executives will see the impacts of the change on system users and the institutional benefits of making the changes.

The Kuali Research project team is also developing a strategy to deliver this information to all users affected by a business process change.

Make sure to be on the lookout for future state communications and expectations for the new way UC San Diego is doing business.


Category: Research Administration