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New Proposal Submission Timelines

There are new research proposal submission timelines, effective January 21, 2020. These timelines will allow us to use Kuali Research most effectively, ensure necessary oversight of proposals, and reduce administrative effort by departmental research administrators and PIs.

PIs should notify research administrators of their intent to submit proposals no later than 14 business days prior to the sponsor deadline and complete the research questionnaire and certification provided by a KR notification link. 

Research administrators should initiate a Kuali Research proposal record no later than 14 business days prior to the sponsor deadline. Academic and administrative approvers (chairs and department business officers) should review and approve proposals as soon as they are notified to do so, and should establish appropriate back-up approvers to ensure there is no delay.

Only a small percentage of proposals require approval by the department or unit chair, and the chair will be requested to approve only those proposals. KR proposal records should be routed to the Sponsored Project Offices 5 business days (with final draft of research plans due 2 business days) prior to the sponsor deadline.

Every effort will be made to ensure adoption of these standards and submission of proposals in accordance to these standards in the launch phase. In the future, failure to meet these deadlines may preclude submission of proposals to external sponsors.

Sponsored Project Office leadership from OCGA, HSSPPO and SIO-OCGA are meeting with deans, chairs, faculty and departmental administrators to discuss system features and timelines, and will work closely with units in order to achieve full adoption of these timelines by July 1, 2020.

Category: Training, Research Administration