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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

Stipends Module for Financial Support Payments Tool (FSPT)

You may have read the article From Requests to Payments: Ramping up for the Financial Support Payments Tool (FSPT) in which the project stages were introduced for the FSPT Project. The article below provides more information about the Stipends Module Release.

Updated Stages

The staging of the project has been adjusted to better reflect the anticipated progress of the development work. Stipends Module Release has been added, which will focus on the functionality required to enter stipends into FSPT. 

The updated stages and go-live dates are listed below. Please note that the go-live dates are subject to change, pending system and stakeholder readiness.

Stages and Go-Live

Stage Name

Stipends Module Release

Fee Payments Module Release

Cost Distribution Module Release

Anticipated Go-Live Date

September 2025



Go-live for Stipends Module Release of the FSPT Project is anticipated for September 2025. The project go-live dates are subject to change pending system and stakeholder readiness. 

Stipend Entry Deadlines

New stipend entry deadlines will be shared before go-live. The new deadlines will be posted in the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) Financial Support Unit (FSU) “Graduate Financial Support Calendar” Collab page once available. Deadline information will also be shared via mailing lists, Microsoft Teams channel and the GEPA FSU newsletter.

Please note that the deadlines to enter stipends into FSPT are not affected by the contract-covered payments for Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) Trainee/Fellows. GEPA FSU will separately provide information about the upcoming UCPath entries for July 1 as part of ongoing contract implementation. Appointment letters and notifications issued via the Instructional Assistant (IA) Data Management System are for contract-covered payments which will no longer be processed in the student financial system. More information was emailed to the grademployment mailing list.

Development Advancement

Stipends Module Release will include only stipend payments disbursed to graduate students. The implementation team is working diligently to complete development for Stipends Module Release and ensuring all the complex pieces involved are functioning and set-up to work properly. It’s all hands on deck for the Academic Affairs IT Services team as they prioritize this project. As soon as the required functionality is available in FSPT, testing by front-end users can begin. We currently anticipate user testing to begin in May, and users from across campus have been asked to help with User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for stipends functionality. 

Zero In on Stipends

For Stipends Module Release, the concepts will be familiar with an improved User Interface (UI). Users will still be entering the same information into the tool; however, there are improvements to look forward to with the new tool. Tiffany Swiderski, Director of Graduate Student Financial Support for GEPA, shares that “FSU is looking forward to sharing multi-transaction upload and real-time funding validation functionality with our campus partners–both features will help reduce processing time (or waste and rework, for those familiar with Lean Six Sigma) for coordinators, fund administrators and central offices.”

One improvement is that the aid identifiers (AIDIDs) are dropping out of the end-user process. Users will not have to separately navigate to the Graduate Support Accounting Setup (GSAS) application outside of FSPT. Instead, they will enter the project, task, and funding source, or non-project chart string (like users do in GSAS today) in the same interface used for payments. Validation of the project or chart string will occur for each monthly disbursement, not just one time when the project or chart is first used, which will help to reduce postings to default projects. The FSPT will now be a one-stop shop for graduate financial support payments validation.  


The plan for training on Stipends Module Release is being created. We currently anticipate holding regular office hours and a train-a-thon, as well as providing a user guide. The train-a-thon will be a time where users can test the application for stipend entries and GEPA FSU will be on standby to help, answer questions and collect feedback that will be shared with the development team. Training for users will happen before go-live and is currently anticipated for July 2025-Septmeber 2025. We will share training details via email mailing lists and add information to the Microsoft Teams FSPT channel. In order to prepare, we recommend joining the Microsoft Teams FSPT channel listed below. The training materials will also be added to the GEPA FSU FSPT Collab Space

Stay Informed and Engaged

The following are ways that you can stay informed and engaged: 

  • Microsoft Teams FSPT: Join the team, Graduate Student Financial Support, where there is a dedicated FSPT channel. This channel will be a space to ask GEPA FSU questions, seek support and receive guidance from fellow colleagues. It will be especially helpful when the FSPT application goes live. 
  • Enhancement Request Form: If you have an enhancement request or suggestion for FSPT, we encourage you to complete the FSPT Enhancement Request Form. While all ideas will be reviewed and considered, please keep in mind that there are limits to what enhancements are currently actionable, and we may be unable to address or respond to every idea.  
  • Videos: You can watch the monthly two-minute videos that include an FSPT Project update each month on the ESR SIS Kaltura Channel. The FSPT Playlist currently has two videos, an introduction to the FSPT Project and a closer look at Stipends Module Release. 
  • Webpage: More information on the FSPT Project will be provided as the project progresses. You can view the FSPT Project webpage anytime to get the latest updates.
  • Email: If you have questions about FSPT, you can email them to A Services & Support ticket will be automatically opened for each email, so that the FSU team can follow up with you. Additionally, this will allow the team to prioritize and organize the questions received.

We are thrilled that the Stipends Module Release will assist with ensuring graduate students are paid stipends correctly and on time, too. We are also looking forward to the Stipends Module Release reducing the manual intervention required from staff in processing stipends.


Note on FSPT Project Stages and Timeline 
As of
October 2024, the project stages have been renamed from “phases” to “releases” to provide more clarity. The new release names are: Stipends Module Release, Fees Module Release and Cost Distribution Module Release. The current FSPT Project focus is on Stipends Module Release. The go-live date is anticipated for September 2025. For timeline updates and changes please visit the FSPT webpage. All other article details remain unchanged and accurate. 

Category: Student & Faculty, News