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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

SIS Project: What You Should Know (November 2023)

Key Project Milestones and Progress

Here's a quick summary of what's happened on the SIS project since October's newsletter. You can watch the two-minute video summary or review the bullets below. If you have questions or would like more information about any of the following projects, please reach out to us at

Core Student Information System (SIS) Selection

The SIS Project is focused on implementing a new student information system to replace our current system, ISIS, and bring together main campus and Extended Studies on the same system.

  • The team continues to work toward the formal announcement of vendor selection and readiness to begin the project

Student Financial Planning (SFP)

The SFP application will replace our current financial aid system, Pro Student Aid Management (ProSAM). The SFP implementation team has been hard at work this past month on the following items:

  • Continuing testing in the College Financing Plan (CFP) environment
  • Testing interfaces with UCApply and Slate

Financial Support and Payments Tool (FSPT)

The FSPT Project is focused on improving the graduate student funding processing. The Financial Support Request Tool (FSRT) will be replaced by the Financial Support and Payments Tool (FSPT) as part of the project. The current work for the project includes:

  • Adding developers to accelerate pace and meet desired timeline for phase 1 (initial release)
  • Continued work on developing application for phase 1
  • Continued design for fee remission (phase 2)


The CourseLeaf Project will implement a curriculum management system for the university. This will be a wholly new system, as we do not currently have a curriculum management system, and will serve all areas of the university, bringing the School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy and the Division of Extended Studies onto a system with the rest of campus.

Report Remediation

The Report Remediation Project will create new versions of existing reports using the Student Activity Hub as the underlying source for the data, rather than other systems.

  • The team continues to remediate reports currently used by the Colleges with ongoing user acceptance testing as data is added to the Student Activity Hub and reports are developed
  • Meetings with divisions, schools, departments and units continue to take place to discuss the future state of reporting, the remediation process, as well as clarifying roles and responsibilities of report developers and consumers in the future state
  • Continuing meetings with the Division of Extended Studies (DES) to review the DES report inventory and develop future state
  • Working with the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office to gather requirements for Financial Aid reporting
  • Preparing for user acceptance testing of replacements for QueryLink reports

New TritonPay

The new TritonPay will provide students and parents with an improved experience for viewing and paying bills with multiple electronic payment options such as recurring autopay, electronic 529 Plan and international bank transfers. 

  • Main campus students and authorized payers are still successfully using the new TritonPay
  • 45% increase in Fall TRIP Payment Plan enrollment compared to last Fall in legacy system
  • 1,311 students/payers enrolled in auto payment for TRIP
  • 851 residents enrolled in auto payment for rent

Transact for DES

The Transact for Division of Extended Studies (DES) Project will implement an integrated payment solution for the DES that ​simplifies the student payment experience, ​streamlines operations and ​creates a connected campus ecosystem. 

  • The Transact for DES project went live on 9/21/23 
  • $2.8M in transactions as of 10/25/23
  • DES saved about 60K in processing fees during the first month of implementation 

To read more about any of the projects above and other ESR SIS projects please visit the SIS Ecosystem active work page (links to projects are at the bottom of the page). 

Upcoming Opportunities for Engagement

Want to learn more about any of the work happening for the SIS Project? The project’s change team has the following upcoming presentation planned: 

  • Roadshow for Division of Extended Studies (DES) on November 29, 2023
  • Roadshow for Core SIS Project in Fall 2023 or Winter 2024 (date TBD)

The project’s change team will also be meeting with the following groups in the upcoming month:

  • Division of Extended Studies (DES) Operations Forum on November 22, 2023
  • School of Biological Sciences on December 4, 2023
  • Graduate & Professional Student Association on December 4, 2023 
  • Undergraduate Academic Advising Council (UAAC) on December 5, 2023
  • Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute on December 6, 2023 

Not part of the above groups but want to meet with us? Reach out to us at; we’d love to meet with you and your team. 

The Change Team has open office hours on the first Thursday of every month from 1:00pm-2:00pm via Zoom. Our next office hours will be Thursday, December 7, 2023. If you have any questions or concerns about the project, please drop in to chat with us.

Category: News, Student & Faculty