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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

Activity Hubs Growing, New Release Schedule

We are thankful for all the individuals and teams who are helping grow Activity Hubs! As users refine and align business processes, requests for new fields and calculations are introduced, and that helps everyone.

Increased data availability from Oracle, Kuali, UCPath and more data sources increases the depth and breadth of analytics, supporting informed decision making at UC San Diego. And, with our mindset of continuous improvement, we welcome regular feedback as the Activity Hubs mature.

View Enhancements Lead to Report Enhancements

UC San Diego report developers have been very supportive, providing feedback and new enhancement requests to the Activity Hubs team. These requests help us help you by making your work easier.

If you have an idea about how to enhancement reports you use, work with your report developer. The developer can identify Activity Hubs impacted, submit a request for any view enhancement, and follow it through the review and release process.

New Release Schedule

To better support our users, our enhancement releases have now been merged into regular, monthly cycles: 

First Thursdays

Employee (EAH) and Financial (FinAH) Activity Hub enhancements will be released  for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) the 1st Thursday of every month.

Third Thursdays

Research (RAH) and Student (SAH) Activity Hub enhancements will be released for UAT the 3rd Thursday of every month. 

User Acceptance Testing is open for one week after each scheduled release. After testing closes, the enhancements are available in production.

These preset release schedules will allow report developers to plan for UAT report testing and enhancement validation. Report users can expect to see enhancements on a regular, ongoing basis.

Employee Activity Hub (EAH)

Recent Employee Activity Hub enhancements include the addition of Award data from the Research Activity Hub and Graduate data from the Student Activity Hub.

These enhancements were requested by report developers to meet business needs. Combining data from several activity hubs is often accomplished within reports. It can also be requested as an enhancement to an Activity Hub, as the combination of data at the Activity Hub level reduces report developer work and allows reports to run faster.

This process allows report developers freedom to easily combine the data they need for reports and assures that the Activity Hubs team is prioritizing the enhancements that directly benefit report consumers.

Learn  about EAH on the Employee Activity Hub page.

Financial Activity Hub (FinAH)

We were excited to release the FINAH-GeneralLedgerBalances-View. This view combines General Ledger data with Budget data.

Customer-driven enhancements continue to be made to the FINAH-ProjectCosts-View as this transaction level view quickly becomes one of our most popular FinAH views. We've also greatly expanded FINAH-Contract-View and FINAH-ContractRevenue-View. 

Learn about FinAH on the Financial Activity Hub page.

Research Activity Hub (RAH)

Our phase 1 view, RAH-Award-View, has been released in Tableau and Cognos. This view is the first step toward moving RAH to the same architecture used by the other Activity Hubs.

Learn about RAH on the Research Activity Hub page.

Student Activity Hub (SAH)

As new students join UC San Diego, several milestones mark their journey. To more closely examine this journey we have added additional data around the Grad Admit Term, Grad First Enrolled Term and UG First Enrolled Term.

Learn about SAH on the Student Activity Hub page.

Category: Data & Analytics, News