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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

ESR Grows in 2019, Preps for 2020 Go-Lives

Chou_Kevin.pngAs the year ends, I’d like to recap some of our Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) successes and lessons learned for 2019, and look ahead to 2020.

But before that, I’d like to say, “Thank you,” for your support and contributions along the way. It’s very important to recognize the resources and time people have invested.

I love that the ESR program is built and operated by our very own. The teams and individuals making ESR happen aren’t strangers. They’re people you see at the staff picnic, wait in line with to order a cup of coffee or lunch, and ride the shuttle with every single day. I hope you’ll join me in commending the tremendous work done so far by our colleagues.

2019: Milestones and Maturation

In 2019, several projects went live, including systems for undergraduate and graduate admissions, undergraduate financial aid, student analytics, degree certification, academic personnel review, conflict of commitment, and real estate and space management. We also kicked off our Student Information System project and started the RFP process. Work this year also represents the bulk of the lift for business process improvement, design and configuration for the Financial Information Systems project; configuration and testing for Kuali Research; and functional and integration testing for UCPath.

Additionally, this year represents the maturing of the ESR program. Elements like project management, communications, organizational change management and training, and continuity planning (downstream systems inventory) really took shape and provided critical program scaffolding as we look ahead.

Over the past 12 months, we also learned a lot about ourselves. From the start, we’ve followed a DIY model of using our own people and resources, investing heavily in Lean Six Sigma across the UC San Diego community. This was the year everything came together and we got a chance to see how things actually worked. There was a lot of learning, a lot of adjustments to what we do and how we do it, and a lot of figuring out what we have to work with.

2020: Clarity and Compassion 

The first half of 2020 will be jam packed with go-lives on major projects, starting in January with our Kuali Research system to manage our $1.3B+ sponsored project enterprise, OnBase migration into the enterprise cloud environment for Health Sciences, Oracle Budgeting pilot for select departments, Ecotime for timekeeping in preparation for UCPath, and continuing through the start of cutover of UCPath in May with first paychecks in June, and Oracle for finance on July 1.

As these processes and systems are released, it’s important that we bring relief to people who are participating as SMEs and supporting multiple projects. Closing out projects will be a top priority.

While it’s true that ESR is designed to make us more efficient and effective at supporting the mission of the university, it’s important for us to acknowledge that there's no way for us to be there Day 1. In fact, there might even be a dip in productivity as we get used to new systems and processes. Therefore, I ask you to be kind to your colleagues, recognize that everyone will be struggling to learn new skills, and please be gentle with staff that support you.

In conclusion, please help us keep the momentum going. Be proactive in learning how ESR and the various projects impact you. Reach out to your change leads and local subject matter experts.

One final request. Please provide feedback on our communications by completing a brief survey at the link below.

Best wishes for the holiday season, and I’ll see you in 2020!

Take ESR communications survey.

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