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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

UC OATS Goes Live

Add the University of California Outside Activity Tracking System (UC OATS) to the list of ESR project launches!

UC OATS went live on September 3 as the new faculty solution for entry, review and pre-approval of activites they engage in outside of their work on campus.

“We are excited to partner with our fellow UC campuses in bringing the UC OATS system to UC San Diego,” said Cindy Palmer, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Academic Personnel. “This system takes an antiquated paper process and allows faculty to track their outside professional activities in real time, resulting in a whole new level of reporting convenience and transparency.”

Hear about UC OATS from the project's sponsors:

Hitting the Ground Running!

Use of UC OATS is mandatory for faculty for FY 2018-2019, with a campus annual disclosure deadline of November 1. All faculty members are required to certify annual disclosures using the UC OATS system, even if they only certify that they have no annual disclosures to report.

Also effective immediately, requests for pre-approval of Category I-designated activities must also be processed through UC OATS.

UC OATS Training

Faculty, reviewers and approvers still in need of UC OATS system and policy training can take advantage of these upcoming training opportunities (detailed information here):

  • In mid-October, Academic Personnel Services will launch an online training module, accessible on-demand via the UC Learning Center.
  • October 21, 24 and 28 live webinars for faculty will be presented via Zoom.

For more information on UC OATS, check out these resources:

Category: News, Student & Faculty