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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

SIS Project: What We’ve Heard (August 2024)

We hope that you saw the announcement in our July newsletter sharing how we will be changing our engagement approach moving forward. In this article, we will explain a little bit more about why we are making this change and what it means for you. 

What is Changing?

Beginning in the Fall Quarter 2024, instead of scheduling individual meetings to provide project updates, we will be sharing quarterly pre-recorded project update videos that you and your team can watch at your convenience to stay up-to-date with each of the SIS projects underway. This will open up more time for us to meet with you to encourage the sharing of questions, concerns, challenges, feedback and ideas.

Why the Change?

You’ve shared your feedback and we’re listening to you! We’ve heard our project update presentations can often be very one-way informational, and that not all projects are relevant to all groups. While these presentations do communicate important information for staying informed about the project, many would prefer to prioritize our synchronous time for meaningful two-way conversations. Therefore, given this feedback, we are modifying our engagement plans to better align with the campus community’s values and priorities. Our goal is to maintain honest and frequent communication with you, while also providing you with critical project updates, in a manner that serves you and your teams the best.  

How will the Video be Shared?

The SIS Project team will be sharing the quarterly project update video in a variety of ways. For those units that we have been engaging with, we will be reaching out directly to our points of contact within each department to share the video. Additionally, the video update will be shared widely via our SIS Project Kaltura video channel and our monthly SIS Project newsletter. We highly encourage you to subscribe to these communication channels so that you can receive these update videos as soon as they are released.

What Does This Change Mean for Me?

This change will provide more flexibility, allowing you to watch the videos as time permits, and encouraging you to request more targeted conversations with us around projects or topics that interest you. Your engagement with us is just as critical to the project’s success as our engagement is with you. So, reach out to us and invite us to join an existing team meeting, request a meeting directly with us, write to us with your feedback or ideas, and visit our monthly office hours to ask us questions or share your concerns. We are here for YOU!

Thank you to those who have shared their honest feedback with us and inspired change in our approach. We look forward to connecting with you in this more intentional and meaningful way, to ensure time, resources and energy are being utilized in the best way possible.


Teaser image of 2023 engagement review data


Category: News, Student & Faculty