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Enterprise Systems Renewal ESR

Faculty 180 Will Help Faculty Collect Academic Activity Information

UC San Diego’s mission as a student centered, research focused, and service-oriented institution of higher education depends largely on the excellence of our academics. Key to their success is UC San Diego’s academic review and appointment process to ensure high standards of achievement across the entire academic population. The foundation of an academic review file is an academic’s biography/bibliography form.

For decades, this document has been compiled using a labor-intensive, manual, paper-based process demanding several hours to prepare. With the introduction of new information systems, Academic Personnel Services has set out to streamline the process by which academics document their activities and achievements in addition to providing flexibility with the way academics manage their personal publication and activity portfolio.

In 2016, Academic Personnel Services embarked on a three-year phased implementation of Interfolio Review, Promotion, & Tenure (Interfolio) to help with the processing of academic review and appointment files. As a case management system, Interfolio provides a dynamic workflow meant to support the full scope of an academic review or appointment – from initial file submission through the delivery of a final decision.

Shortly after concluding the implementation of Interfolio in 2019, Academic Personnel Services began to lay the groundwork for the adoption of additional faculty resources in the form of Faculty 180. Faculty 180 is a digital solution used by academics at institutions of higher education to collect and manage faculty activities related to teaching, research, and service for the electronic creation of biography/bibliography documents. Faculty 180 also provides academics the flexibility to produce custom reports to meet a variety of professional needs.

Having spent the last few months working on establishing proper data integrations between Faculty 180 and UC San Diego data sources, the Faculty 180 team is now preparing to transition to the testing phase of the project. A training plan will be established and pilot group members will be identified to participate in testing of the system.

Look for Faculty 180 project updates in coming issues of the ESR Program Newsletter, and find more information on the Faculty 180 project website.

Category: Student & Faculty, News