uAchieve for Extended Studies
The uAchieve for Extended Studies Project will implement the degree audit software, uAchieve, for the Division of Extended Studies (DES). uAchieve is currently in use on main campus for degree audits and will be used at DES for certificate and non-certificate program audits.
The uAchieve for Extended Studies Project launched in May 2024, and the project closed on August 30, 2024.
Project Details
To view more information about the project, please expand the sections below and read to your heart's content.
Project Vision, Guiding Principles and Shared Expectations
- The uAchieve for Extended Studies Project's strategic vision mirrors that of the overall SIS Project portfolio. View the SIS Project Vision.
Guiding Principles
- The uAchieve for Extended Studies Project's guiding principles mirror those of the overall SIS Project portfolio. View the SIS Project Guiding Principles.
Shared Expectations
- The uAchieve for Extended Studies Project's shared expectations mirror those of the overall SIS Project portfolio. View the SIS Project Shared Expectations.
Timeline & Milestones
- System Configuration & Encoding (April 2023-present)
- Intermediate Encoder Training (August 2023)
- Ideal State Development (June 2023)
- User Training Basic (Spring 2023)
- Project Kickoff (January 2023)
- Degree Audit Encoder hired (August 2022)
- Degree Audit Encoder recruitment opened (May 2022)
- Memorandum of Understanding signed between Extended Studies and Enrollment Management for the hiring of a Degree Audit Encoder to support DES (March 2022)
Implementation Team
The list below includes the members of the uAchieve for Extended Studies Project implementation team. Members are listed in alphabetical order by first/preferred name.
- Andrew Kaplan
- Angie Gozum
- Bekah Palmer
- Don Agoncillo
- Joana Halnez
- John Lane
- Jonathan Whitman
- Kathy Newman
- Kellie Woolridge
- Liz Kelley
- Sara Danford
- Zhuozhou Liu
For more information about the team members, please view the uAchieve for Extended Studies Project Overview Presentation. Learn more about the roles of this team in the SIS Project Teams article.
Advisory Committee
The list below includes the members of the uAchieve for Extended Studies Project advisory committee. Members are listed in alphabetical order by first/preferred name.
- Andrew Kaplan
- Anna Altman
- Collins Ejiogu
- Dave Garrison
- Dianne Seriva
- Don Agoncillo
- Gayle Ta
- Jenn Lopez
- Jonathan Whitman
- Laura Fandino
- Liz Kelley
- Marc Kieu
- Patti Juza
- Robert Jones
- Sara Danford
- Stacy Warneke
For more information about the team members, please view the uAchieve for Extended Studies Project Overview Presentation. Learn more about the roles of this team in the SIS Project Teams article.