SIS Trailblazers
We are thrilled to announce the launch of SIS Trailblazer, a new recognition campaign aimed at acknowledging and celebrating the incredible contributions of individuals within the SIS Project.
What can you do?
Submit a nomination! Nominations are open to anyone in the university community, including those on a project implementation team, advisory committee, a subject matter expert or anyone else. Every task and every effort on the SIS Project is helping us realize our vision of One University, One Student IT Ecosystem.
Have someone in mind? We thought so!
Complete the SIS Trailblazers nomination form today to shine the spotlight on the impactful work your colleagues, teammates and coworkers are doing on the SIS Project. We look forward to receiving your nomination!
Our First SIS Trailblazer: Rachael Lapidis
Rachael was nominated by Joe Gandini, Change Practitioner for the SIS Project. Here is what he had to say about Rachael:
"Rachael Lapidis serves on the TSS Project's advisory committee. She always comes prepared with questions and actively engages with us in each meeting. She sent over several highly thoughtful and provoking questions after one of our TSS Project Design Review Sessions, which showed her deep interest in learning how the system might work and to help others understand it as well. As she said herself, she wants "to make sure [she is] taking advantage of the opportunities [we] have made possible to offer thoughtful feedback at early stages of the design process." Rachael also responded to my requests to answer questions for our article about the TSS Project advisory committee kickoff meeting. She has also been very kind in all my interactions with her. We are lucky to have her serving on our committee and advising on the project!"